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CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习 52

CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习 52

作者:-- 来源:CATTI考试资料与资讯 发布时间:2020-08-19



  1. mosaic n.

  a picture or pattern made by placing together small pieces of glass, stone, etc. of different colors 镶嵌图案;马赛克

  例:a design in mosaic马赛克图案

  2. sporadic   adj.

  happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular


  例:Her attendance in school was sporadic. 她在学校的出勤率很低。


  (1) scattered adj.

  spread far apart over a wide area or over a long period of time 分散的;零散的;疏落的

  例:Her family are scattered around the world. 她的家人散居在世界各地。

  (2) dispersive   adj.

  tending or serving to disperse (趋于)弥散的

  例:Dispersive anguish is not best method to him. 分散痛苦对他来说不是好的办法。

  3. encyclopedic   adj.

  connected with encyclopedias or the type of information found in them


  例:encyclopedic information 百科知识


  profound adj.

  1)very great; felt or experienced very strongly 巨大的;深切的;深远的

  例:profound changes in the earth's climate 地球气候的巨大变化

  2)showing great knowledge or understanding 知识渊博的;理解深刻的;深邃的

  例:profound insights 精辟的见解

  4. episodic   adj.

  happening occasionally and not at regular intervals 偶尔发生的;不定期的

  (of a story, etc. 故事等)containing or consisting of many separate and different events 由松散片段组成的;有许多片段的

  例:My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic.


  5. chic   adj.

  very fashionable and elegant 时髦的;优雅的;雅致的

  例:She is always so chic. 她总是那么时髦。


  (1) stylish  adj.

  (approving) fashionable; elegant and attractive 时髦的;新潮的;高雅的;雅致的

  例:a stylish restaurant 雅致的餐馆

  (2) classy  adj.

  (informal) of high quality; expensive and/or fashionable 上等的;豪华的;时髦的

  例:a classy restaurant 豪华的餐馆


  1. far from 远远不是

  If you say that something is far from a particular thing or far from being the case, you are emphasizing that it is not that particular thing or not at all the case, especially when people expect or assume that it is.

  例:The debate on forecasting climate change and its impact within scientific community is far from over. 科学界关于预测气候变化及其影响的辩论远未结束。

  2. set apart 区别开

  If something sets someone or something apart, it makes them different from other people or things.

  例:Supreme ability of languages sets humans apartfrom the rest of the animal kingdom.


  3. come into being 形成

  Something that is in being or comes into being exists.

  例:The society of today is greatly different from that of 30 years ago, and different social classes and benefit groups come into being.


  4. in spite of 尽管

  We use in spite of to introduce a fact that makes the rest of the statement you are making seem surprising.

  例:He at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage.


  5. accommodate to 使……适应

  If you accommodate to something new, you change your behavior or ideas so that you are able to deal with it.

  例:She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.





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