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CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习37 | 近义词及形近词辨析

CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习37 | 近义词及形近词辨析

作者:网编整理 来源:网络 发布时间:2020-08-07

  词汇及词组摘自CATTI指定教材《英语笔译综合能力2级》,解释及例句源来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典(简体) 第 8 版

  Catti英语笔译综合能力测练习题 中经察大家对于近义词以及形近词的理解与应用,有些词的意思相近,但却有一些细微的差别,而对于这些细微差别的理解就决定了选择题的正确与否;还有一类就是形式上看上去较为相似,但是意思却大相径庭,所以这类题目对一些同学来说较为棘手。



  earnings /  allowance /  income /  salary /  wage


  ①the money that you earn for the work that you do 薪水;工资;收入

  例:A rise in average earnings


  Compensation for loss of earnings caused by the accident


  ②the profit that a company makes 利润;收益;盈利

  例:earnings per share每股收益

  export earnings出口利润


  ①an amount of money that is given to sb regularly or for a particular purpose 津贴;补贴;补助

  例:an allowance of $20 a day每天 20 元补贴

  a clothing/living/travel allowance服装╱生活╱交通补贴

  ②the amount of sth that is allowed in a particular situation 限额;定量

  例:a baggage allowance of 20 kilos

  行李限重 20 公斤

  ③( BrE) an amount of money that can be earned or received before you start paying tax 免税额

  例:personal tax allowances个人所得免税额

  ④especially (NAmE) = pocket money零花钱

  【IDIOMS】①make allowance(s) for sth

  to consider sth, for example when you are making a decision or planning sth 考虑到,估计到(如在制订决策或计划时)

  例:The budget made allowance for inflation.预算考虑到了通货膨胀。

  ②make allowances (for sb)

  to allow sb to behave in a way that you would not usually accept, because of a problem or because there is a special reason 体谅;谅解

  income  :the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. Earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc. 收入;收益;所得

  例:They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services.


  Tourism is a major source of income for the area.


  higher/middle/lower income groups较高╱中等╱较低收入阶层

  salary   ( plural salaries ) money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month 薪金,薪水(尤指按月发放的)

  例:an annual salary of $40?000*4 万元的年薪

  a 9% salary increase加薪 9%

  She's on a salary of£24?000 她的薪金是 24?000 英镑。

  wage /we?d?/ a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work or services (通常指按周领的)工资,工钱

  例:wages of £200 a week一星期 200 英镑的工资

  a weekly wageof £200周薪 200 英镑

  wage cuts减薪

  a wage increaseof 3%*3% 的加薪



  Earnings 多指劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。

  Allowance 指收入中的补贴部分。

  Income 和 earnings含义相近,但前者强调总收入。

  Salary 多指脑力劳动者所得到的工资、薪水,通常按月,有时按极季或年结算。

  Wage 多指简单劳动或者体力劳动所得到的工资、工钱,通常按周、日等短期计算。

  形近词辨析   considerate & considerable

  considerate :always thinking of other people's wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others 考虑周到的;为(他人)着想的;体谅的;体贴的

  例:She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.


  It was very considerate of him to wait.



  inconsiderate:( disapproving) not giving enough thought to other people's feelings or needs 不为别人着想的;不体谅别人的;考虑不周的

  例:Inconsiderate behavior


  It was inconsiderate of you not to call.


  considerable/ k?n?s?d?r?bl /:( rather formal) great in amount, size, importance, etc. 相当多(或大、重要等)的

  ① the ability to keep increasing or developing 推进力;动力;势头

  例:The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money.


  Damage to the building was considerable.





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