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GMAT-- OG2020语法考察新趋势

GMAT-- OG2020语法考察新趋势

作者:张馨月 来源:北京新东方学校 发布时间:2019-06-12

  时隔一年,官方又发布了新版OG (GMAT  Official Guide 2020)版,GMAC更新OG的频率已经和换库的保持一致的步调了——间隔越来越短。新产品的问世往往会带来一些新的变化,其中 Sentence Correction 部分替换18题。当然,单纯题目的数量对于同学们意义不大,只不过多了几道道新题可以做,同学们更加关心的是又多出了什么新奇的考点和考法。在本个系列更新中,老师带领大家一起来看一下OG20中有哪些新奇的考法,今天我们以从 “平行结构” 为例,因为最近老师通过上课发现,很多同学对平行的理解有偏差的,而且通过最近考的精英计划的学员反馈,都有遇到平行部分的考点,可见平行是一个很重要的结构。





  平行词前后是语法功能相同的部分(前后连接的核心词词性相同, 如果词性相同都选不出选项,可以考虑共用部分相同)

  如果同学们仍然对 “语法功能” 存在困惑,那么我们通过以下的例子来理解这个概念

  1. The man was angry but still washed the windows.


  2. It was important to leave the money in the drawer rather thanon the table.


  3. Fatigued by play anddreaming of the mouse that got away,the cat slept in the sun.


  4. Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Erie  Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lake sat Buffalo


  5. They contended that the committee was biased and that it should be disbanded(宾语从句)

  I want to retire to a place where I can relax and where I pay low taxes. (定语从句)

  There are many people who speak English but whose parents do not. (定语从句)

  (从句平行) 从句引导词可以不一致但是从句的类型需要一致



  1. According to some critics, watching television not only undermines one’s ability to think critically but also impairs one’s over all ability to perceive.

  A. not only undmines one’s ability to think critically but also impairs one’s

  B. not only undermines one’s ability of critical thinking but also impairs the

  C. undermines not only one’s ability to think critically but also impairs one’s

  D. undermines not only one’s ability of critical thinking but also impairs the

  E. undermines one’s ability not only to think critically but also impairs one’s

  读完题目以后不难发现很明显的考点词 “not only…but also”, 看到这样的信号词,同学们应该非常的兴奋,但是在兴奋之余不要忘记关注两个点:

  1. 搭配是否对

  2. 前后是否平行


  A. not only undminesone’s ability to think critically but also impairs one’s

  B. not only underminesone’s ability of critical thinking but also impairsthe

  C. undermines not only one’s ability to think critically but also impairs one’s

  D. undermines not only one’s ability of critical thinking but also impairs the

  E. undermines one’s ability not only to think critically but also impairs one’s

  通过对比5个选项搭配都是正确的,其次根据平行部分,可以排除掉 CDE;


  1. ability 的用法

  2. the & one’s 的表达

  如果同学们不确定 ability 的用法完全可以根据 the & one’s 选出A来,因为 one’s ability to 和 one’s overall ability to;其次我们也是可以根据后半部分 ability to  的表达判断出来 the ability to do 才是正确的形式。



  2. Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus offers an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but also a skillfully navigated exploration of the major concerns of modernism.

  A. an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  B. an examination not only about the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  C. not only an examination of how difficult it isto reconcile reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  D. not only an examination about the difficulty with reconciling reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  E. not only an examination of the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, but

  答案: E


  (OG2020-795)Self-compassion is made up of mindfulness, the ability to manage thoughts and emotions without being carried away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others, and self-kindness, a recognition of your own suffering and a commitment to solving the problem.

  A. away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

  B. away, or repression of them, and common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

  C. away, or repressing them, common humanity, empathy with the suffering of others;

  D. away or repressing them; common humanity, an empathy with the suffering of others;

  E. away or repress them; common humanity, to empathize with the suffering of others


  Self-compassion is made up of mindfulness, the ability to manage thoughts and emotions without being carried away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others, and self-kindness, a recognition of your own suffering and a commitment to solving the problem.

  所以 mindfulness, common humanity 和 self-kindness 是平行关系;

  其次,or 平行了 being carried away 和 repressing them,根据这一点剩下AC; 根据 or empathy 找不到平行的部分,以及这个部分应该是修饰 common humanity 的修饰语,可以看出D是最完美的答案

  A. away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

  B. away, or repression of them, and common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

  C. away, or repressing them, common humanity, empathy with the suffering of others;

  D. away or repressing them; common humanity, an empathy with the suffering of others;

  E. away or repress them; common humanity, to empathize with the suffering of others





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