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  • 商务英语必备对话:设定最后期限

    句式1: Yes. And we hope you can make the offer before this Friday. 是的,我们希望你们能够在本周五前做报价。 A: Thank you for your letter dated May 5, in which you expressed your interest in our products. 感谢您5月...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:期盼对方回复

    句式1:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon. 我们希望你方能够接受我方的报价并尽快向我方订货。 A: Subject to our final confirmation, we made this offer. 经过最后确认,我们做了这个报价...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:以己方获利少为条件

    句式1: We hope you will quote your rock-bottom price to avoid only too small profit for us. 我们希望您能给出底价,否则我们的利润会很低,我们将不得不从其他地方购货。 A: How do you think about our offer...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:怎样还盘

    句式1: We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet halfway. 我们希望你们能够再考虑一下你们的价格,重新出价让我们有可能找到一个中间价。...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:无法接受价格

    句式1: We do not think three is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%. 除非贵方可以降价20%,否则这笔生意不会谈成。 A: We regret to say that your price is on the high side. 我们很抱歉贵方的...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:以己方顾客为条件

    句式: We very much regret to state that our end user here finds your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 很遗憾我们的终端客户认为你们的价格比现行的市场价高很多。 A: We appreciate...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:以己方市场为条件

    句式1: It would be impossible for me to push any sales at such high prices. 价格如此之高,我方无法进行市场推广。 A: We regret to say that your offer is not at least encouraging. 我们很遗憾地告知你方你们的报...【详情】


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