

作者:-- 来源:网络 时间:2016-11-24 11:52

  You had an interview and the company told you they would be making a decision soon. Weeks go by and you haven’t heard a peep. What’s going on? There could be many reasons a company hasn’t responded to your requests for an update. What you can do is understand why it may take so long and do as much as you can to stay in touch with the company. Here are the most common reasons you may not have heard back after the interview or after submitting your application.


  1. Looking for a superhero. Based on the candidates interviewed or résumés received, the hiring authorities may decide to switch the duties assigned. In some cases, the hiring manager may even decide not to fill the position. The company may repost the job to attract a new pool of candidates. It isn’t unusual for the company to stop communicating with candidates until a final decision about the job’s scope is determined. This can sometimes take weeks or longer.

  1. 想找最合适的人选。根据面试过的候选人或收到的简历的情况,招聘部门可能会调整工作内容。某些情况下,招聘经理甚至会决定这个职位不招人。公司可能为吸引新一批求职者重新写工作要求。公司最终确定工作职责前不联系候选人再平常不过了。有时需要几周甚至更长的时间。

  2. Confusion and delay. Aligning schedules becomes challenging when multiple parties are involved, and it may cause delays in the hiring process. The reason you have not heard anything could be due to hectic schedules, a pressing deadline or emergency within the company or vacations. Acquiring hiring approval almost always requires signatures from people who are traveling, sick or on vacation.

  2. 忙乱和延迟。涉及的部门太多时,调整计划变得困难,这会导致招聘流程的拖延。你没有收到后续消息的原因可能是因为他们工作忙、最后期限紧迫、有紧急事件发生或放假了。批准招聘进行几乎总是需要那些旅游、生病或度假的人的同意。

  3. Change, change, change. Was the company recently bought out? Were there changes in leadership? Perhaps budgets were frozen or the new position was put on hold. Changes within the company can and do impact the ability to respond to candidates in the interview process until after the dust settles. Often company executives, legal departments or human resources mandate this silence.

  3. 公司内部在整改。公司最近被收购了?领导层有变化吗?可能预算不够或者新职位招聘计划被搁置了。公司内部的变化可以也确实影响了答复面试候选人的时间,直到一切都尘埃落定。通常公司高管、法律部门或人力资源部门会让招聘人员保持沉默。

  4. Anticipation … Waiting for a candidate’s decision. Sometimes the process slows to a halt while the company waits for an answer from the No. 1 candidate. Based on this candidate’s response, the company may have to reach out to the second-choice candidate or maybe start from scratch.

  4. 期待——等待候选人的决定。公司在等最合适的候选人的答案时,招聘有时会停滞。根据他的回应,公司可能不得不接洽排名第二的候选人或者从头开始挑选。

  As the old saying goes, "love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference." This certainly applies to how employers and job seekers interact. Here are some suggestions for taking control of the situation.


  Leverage insider information. If you haven’t found someone inside the company yet, now is the time to start asking and reaching out. When you find someone – and if you try hard enough, you usually can – ask what is going on inside the company.


  Keep looking. Don’t stop campaigning for your new job. Continue to network, apply for jobs and keep your job search momentum going.


  Persistence pays. Never make assumptions. Instead, get facts. Whenever you have the chance to speak with a live person, ask when you should follow up next. In the absence of data, checking in every week or two isn’t necessarily being a pest, especially if you really want the job.


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