

作者:-- 来源:网络 时间:2016-11-24 11:07

  If you want to work at Netflix, you might have to answer some hard interview questions first.


  Using Glassdoor's information about Netflix, we've compiled some of the most difficult questions that people say they've been asked while interviewing for the streaming-broadcast company.


  The questions say a lot about Netflix and its company culture.


  No matter if you're looking for a customer-service job or a more technical position, Netflix's interview questions will give you a run for your money.


  1."How many cans of paint would you need to paint one wing of a 747?" — Marketing manager candidate


  2."What does the word empathy mean?" — Customer service representative candidate


  3."How would you test the latest iPhone's new antenna system?" — Senior QA engineer candidate


  4."A customer calls and angrily tells you that they ordered Barney (or similar toddler show) for their kid. The kid can work the DVD player, and knows the Netflix envelope. When the movie arrived the kid grabs it and pops it in. Turns out it's a slasher movie. What do you do?" — Customer service representative candidate


  5."What would you tell someone that is calling to talk about how Blockbuster is better than Netflix?" — Customer service representative candidate


  6."Tell me something that you did in the past, but don't want to do ever again." — Engineer candidate

  告诉我一件你曾经做过但再也不想做一次的事。 ——工程师候选人

  7."Who do you think is Netflix's competitor and why?" — Creative coordinator candidate


  8."How will you handle the culture difference from where you come from and Netflix?" — QA engineer candidate


  9."What was the most difficult termination you faced in your work history?" — Supervisor candidate


  10."Tell us about a time you screwed up at your previous job." — Coordinator candidate


  11."What's your favorite TV show and movie, and how do you like to watch them?" — Senior software engineer candidate


  12."Say the CEO stops by your desk and asks you whether or not we should go into an untapped market. How would you determine the size of the addressable market and the factors the Netflix should consider before deciding to enter the market?" — Senior financial analyst candidate


  13."Explain how the process works from the time you enter http://www.Netflix.com into your browser and the data is rendered on screen." — Software engineering manager candidate


  14."Of everyone on your team at your current employer, who would you keep and who would you fire and why?" — Senior software engineer candidate


  15."How many people have you fired?" — Director of engineering candidate


  16."If Netflix is looking to expand its presence in Asia, what are some factors that you can use to evaluate the size of the Asia market, and what can Netflix do to capture this market?" — Senior financial analyst


  17."How would you handle an employee that has attendance issues when we do not have an attendance policy in place?" — Customer service supervisor candidate


  18."How would you determine if the price of a Netflix subscription is truly the deciding factor for a consumer?" — Market research analyst candidate


  19."Name 5 devices you can watch Netflix on." — Systems engineer candidate


  20."How would you deal with extreme deadline pressure and a frantic work pace?" — Engineer candidate


  21."How do you handle managing someone that is more than twice your age?" — Operations manager candidate


  22."What would you do if you were the CEO?" — Partner product group candidate


  23."Describe your ability to deal with a very opinionated co-worker." — Engineer candidate


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