

作者:-- 来源:网络 时间:2016-11-23 15:59

  Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews. They are also used as way to minimize the expenses involved in interviewing out-of-town candidates.


  While you’re actively job searching, it’s important to be prepared for a phone interview on a moment’s notice. You never know when a recruiter or a networking contact might call and ask if you have a few minutes to talk.


  Be Prepared to Interview 做好面试准备

  Prepare for a phone interview just as you would for a regular interview. Compile a list of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a list of answers to typical interview questions. In addition, plan on being prepared for a phone conversation about your background and skills.


  Keep your resume in clear view, on the top of your desk, or tape it to the wall near the phone, so it’s at your fingertips when you need to answer questions.


  Have a short list of your accomplishments available to review.


  Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.


  Turn call-waiting off so your call isn’t interrupted.


  If the time isn’t convenient, ask if you could talk at another time and suggest some alternatives.


  Clear the room - evict the kids and the pets. Turn off the stereo and the TV. Close the door.


  Unless you’re sure your cell phone service is going to be perfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid a dropped call or static on the line.


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