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  • 求职面试中应避免的8件事



  • 视频面试应注意的五个细节

    Video interviewing is slowly taking over as one of the go-tos for organizations interested in lowering recruitment costs and finding the best talent on the market. 视频面试,已经渐渐成为了各大公司机构作为降低招募成本...【详情】


  • 电话面试的五做五不做

    Most companies use telephone interviews as part of their recruitment process to whittle down a pile of CVs into a manageable interview shortlist. But many candidates fluff the opportunity to create a good impression and secure a face-to-fac...【详情】


  • 面试时绝对不能问的十大问题

    You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When the interviewer asks you, So, do you have any questions for me? The last thing you want to say is No. But that could be the best option if youre at a loss for words, be...【详情】


  • 面试前后的八要八不要

    With warmer months just around the corner, the summer internship hunt is now in full swing for college students across the US. 随着天气逐渐转暖,美国大学生的夏季实习求职正在全力进行中。 Youve done your research,...【详情】


  • 细数那些巨头公司的奇葩面试问题

    With excellent perks, great pay and benefits, and high job satisfaction, employees at the 50 best companies to work for in America seem to have a pretty good deal going for them. 高津贴,高薪水,高福利,高工作满意度,美国...【详情】


  • 教你如何应对呛人的面试问题

    If you want to work at Netflix, you might have to answer some hard interview questions first. 如果你想成为奈飞的一员,可能得先回答一些面试中的难题。 Using Glassdoors information about Netflix, weve compiled some o...【详情】


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