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  • 能赢得面试官青睐的自我介绍

    Tell Me About Yourself is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place. 在一对一面试的是时候,面试官最常...【详情】


  • 如何克服面试的紧张和害羞

    First impressions are everything, so if youre shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if youre trying to impress someone. 第一印象非常重要,所以假如你天性内向害羞,你必须打破桎梏,那样才能给别人留...【详情】


  • 英文面试中应避免使用的15个词

    Receiving an invitation for a job interview can be an exciting time especially after youve been job-searching for a while. 收到面试邀请令人激动尤其是在你花了不少时间找工作的时候。 Unfortunately, its all too easy...【详情】


  • 面试后再无通知的原因有哪些?

    You had an interview and the company told you they would be making a decision soon. Weeks go by and you havent heard a peep. Whats going on? There could be many reasons a company hasnt responded to your requests for an update. What you can...【详情】


  • 面试过程中必备的三个信息点

    To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer whether via phone, email or during a job interview must incorporate these three messages: 为了让你找工作少走弯路并最...【详情】


  • 不要向面试官提及的八个问题



  • 面试应把握好的五个时间点

    You want the job, yet theres a war going on inside your head. Theres one voice that says, Of course youll get it. Youre so qualified, you have a great resume and you were born ready for this job. They cant not love you! 你想要这份工作,...【详情】


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