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作者:-- 来源:网络 发布时间:2018-08-31

  Fire Drill Notice

  A Fire Drill will be held on Monday afternoon.All staff must observe the following procedure:

  1. In the event of a fire,the ALARM will ring.On hearing the fire alarm,all staff should evacuate the building by the appropriate fire exits.The assembly area is the staff car park at the rear of the building.

  2. If you are not at your place of work at the time,don’t go back to it to collect personal belongings.

  3. Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops.

  4. If you discover a fire,shout“Fire”and operate the nearest fire alarm.Attack the fire with an extinguisher but don’t take any risks.

  5. Don’t return to your place of work until your Fire Marshal gives the all-clear.

  If anything is unclear,inform 3468.




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