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  • 商务英语必备对话:为客户留言

    句式1: Ill let him know. 我会转达的。 A: I wonder if you could give Mr. Wang a message for me. 能否请您帮我给王先生留个言? B: Yes, certainly. 好的,当然可以。 A: There will be a very urgent meeting at 3 oclo...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:和老板出差

    句式1: Take care of every little thing for your boss. 照顾好你老板的一切。 A: Joe, you are in a hurry. 乔,你很匆忙啊。 B: Yes. I cant miss the ten oclock train. On a business trip with the boss. 是的,我不能错过...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:未处理完事情

    句式1: Im in a hurry with several cases. 我手头有几个紧急的案子。 A: John, we will go to Shanghai next Monday. 约翰,我们下周一要去上海。 B: Why? Im in a hurry with several cases. 为什么?我手头有几个紧...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:出差的重要性

    句式1: On this trip I have to visit several important customers. 我要拜访几个重要的顾客。 A: Why did you decide the business trip in a hurry? 为什么你这么匆忙地决定出差? B: On this trip I have to visit several...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:提出建议

    句式1: Thats a beautiful city, deserving a sightseeing. 那个城市很美丽,值得一看。 A: Will you go to Nanjing next week? 你下个星期要去南京吗? B: Yes. I will. 是的,我要去南京了。 A: Thats a beautiful c...【详情】


  • 商务英语必备对话:处理出差后事宜

    句式1: She always gets some presents for the other people in the office when shes back from a business trip. 她每次出差回来都会给办公室的其他同事带一些礼物。 A: I will go to Spain tomorrow. 我明天要去西班牙...【详情】


  • 看亚运会学英语之游泳项目(下)



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