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  • 英文简历模板:电子专员

    ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(Experienced) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis o...【详情】


  • 英文简历模板:医疗人员

    OBJECTIVE A position as a Paramedic or Emergency Medical Technician. QUALIFICATIONS Current NREMT-P (P0928319), four years paramedic and eight years total medical experience. Current Maryland EMICT. TRAINING EMICT - 1000 hours. Trauma Cardi...【详情】


  • 英文简历模板:普通职员

    To acquire a position with the potential for advancement where I can utilize my knowledge and experience. Relevant Skills - Proficient in Windows 95/98/NT, PowerPoint 4.0, WordPerfect 6.1, Excel - Accustomed to heavy telephone usage - Exper...【详情】


  • 英文简历模板:市场主管

    MARKETINGASSISTANT Sandy Bin 15/F,TOWARD ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,BEIJING. OBJECTIVE A position that will further develop my superior marketing skills. EXPERIENCE Marketing Assistant, The art lovers institute Indianapolis,IN Marketing Assista...【详情】


  • 英文简历模板:秘书

    Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. OBJECTIVE To contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretary/word processor position. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS *More than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; t...【详情】


  • 混合形式的英文简历范例

    混合形式的简历:把您的优势像技能,经验和能力放在前面,然后按年。月顺序列举工作经历和学历。 ANNA KING Address: 15 Sample Rd Melbourne VIC 3000 Mobile: 0415 000 000 Work phone: (03) 999 5678 OBJECT...【详情】


  • 按年月顺序写的英文简历范例

    按年月顺序编排的简历:这是一种最常见的写简历的方式。它从最近的工作经历讲起,列举每一份工作的成绩。 ANNA KING Address: 15 Sample Rd Melbourne VIC 3000 Home phone: (03) 9999 1234 Work phone: (0...【详情】


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