公式Sn=(a1+an)n/2 Sn=na1+n(n-1)d/2;(d为公差) Sn=An2+Bn;A=d/2,B=a1-(d/2) 和为Sn 首项a1 末项an 公差d 项数n 通项 首项=2×和÷项数-末项 末项=2×和÷项数-首项 末项=首项+(项数-1)×公差 项数=(...[更多]
2019-09-05 17:21:46
抛物线:y=ax*+bx+c 就是y等于ax的平方加上bx再加上c a0时开口向上 a0时开口向下 c=0时抛物线经过原点 b=0时抛物线对称轴为y轴 还有顶点式y=a(x+h)*+k 就是y等于a乘以(x+h)的平方+k -h是顶点坐标...[更多]
2019-09-05 17:19:51
Melbourne Girls’ College is getting rid of all its bins and asking students to take their rubbish home in a bold bid to encourage them to move towards zero waste. 墨尔本女子学院将拆除校园内所有垃圾桶,并要求学生把垃...[更多]
2021-06-09 15:39:09
Married men outnumber women when it comes to having a supportive attitude toward stay-at-home fathers, showed a recent survey by the?China Youth Daily. 《中国青年报》近期的一项调查显示,已婚男性赞成全职奶爸的比...[更多]
2019-09-04 16:14:16
A jungle-covered area on the east of Borneo island is set to be transformed into Indonesia‘s new capital city. 印度尼西亚新首都将落址在婆罗洲岛东部一片丛林覆盖的地区。 Concerns over the sustainability of the co...[更多]
2019-09-03 17:13:24
Smoking in your own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime, if the smoke is considered harmful to other people in the house. 在泰国,如果你在家中吸烟且被认为对其他人有害,今后将被视为犯罪。 The new...[更多]
2019-08-28 13:33:02
作为人体最重要的器官之一,大脑不但控制着人体其他器官的运作,存储着你的思想和记忆,还左右着你的情绪。 那么,如何才能让我们的大脑保持健康和活力,延缓大脑衰老呢?当然...[更多]
2019-08-27 17:37:36
谢娜近日晒出与张碧晨合影,霸气辟谣不实传闻。对于“造谣”和“辟谣”的行为,用英语应该怎么说呢? 每日一词:造谣和辟谣用英语怎么说? 1. 造谣 谣言:rumor 但“造谣”可不是...[更多]
2019-08-27 17:39:27
“落汤鸡”,中文俗语,字意为落水或浑身湿透的鸡(a drowned chicken;a chicken in the soup),现在形容被雨水浇得浑身湿透(be caught in the rain and soaked through),极其狼狈的样子。 与英语短...[更多]
2019-08-27 17:42:41
中国有句古话叫“明枪易躲暗箭难防”,你知道这句话用英语怎么说吗? 放冷箭,中文俗语,“冷箭”同“暗箭”,表示“an arrow shot from hiding”,放冷箭指“乘人不备,放箭伤人(t...[更多]
2019-08-22 17:19:58