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  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:why..?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:why..? ...for a number of reasons... ...for a great variety of reasons... Several factors contribute to... Theres acombination of factors... I guess that=I reckon that=I assume that=Ithink that... The main r... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:what effects..?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:what effects..? Think about the consequences of eachproblem. Whenever you come across a question such asWhat effects.../Whatimpact.../What consequences...?try to list the results triggered by thesituation. .... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:how often...?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:how often...? On a daily basis = every day Frequently = very often Occasionally = onsome occasions From time to time = sometimes Hardly ever =rarely = almost never Never You can say every day, buton a daily... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:how might..?

    Try notto use maybe too much. Instead, its better to say: We might...People may...Its likely that... Rememberto use these modals (might, may, should, would, must) whenever you are talkingabout the future or hypothesizing. You can always sta... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:how important..?

    Its extremely important because... Itsdefinitely very important... Its essential because... Its fundamental because... Its not that important because... (=Itsnot so important because...) EMPHASIZE how important it is! SHOW theexaminer YOUR... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:how could..?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:how could..? Be ready to give your point of view on asocial issue.Explain how to tackle the problem, and why it is difficult tohandle it. These are usually hard questions, so take your time to think aboutit,... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:do you think..?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:do you think..? Yes,definitely!=Yes,absolutely!=Yes,totally! Yes, without a doubt!= Yes, undoubtedly! Yes,for sure!= Yes,no doubt! No,definitely not. No way! to some extent =not completely Your answers shoul... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试之问题种类解答:do you think..?

    雅思口语考试之问题种类解答:do you think..? Yes,definitely!=Yes,absolutely!=Yes,totally! Yes, without a doubt!= Yes, undoubtedly! Yes,for sure!= Yes,no doubt! No,definitely not. No way! to some extent =not completely Your answ... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:do you like..?

    雅思口语考试问题解答:do you like..? Whenever you have a question about yourlikes and dislikes, dont be boring- use adverbs to describe how much you enjoyit or not: I really enjoy playing basketball Im quitefond of this teacher.... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考试问题解答:compare

    雅思口语考试问题解答:compare Advantages: Itsbeneficial because... It isbeneficial for a variety of reasons... That isbeneficial primarily. because... Its mostobvious advantage is.... ...alsocome with the added benefitof... There... 详情>>


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