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雅思口语考试问题解答:do you think..?

雅思口语考试问题解答:do you think..?

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  雅思口语考试问题解答:do you think..?


  Yes, without a doubt!= Yes, undoubtedly!

  Yes,for sure!= Yes,no doubt!

  No,definitely not. No way!

  to some extent =not completely

  Your answers should be spontaneous!SPEAKFROM THE HEART! Show the examiner you have energy!

  If you really want to balance things, use"to some extent." Otherwise, don't hesitate, and be direct!

  1.Do you think that English is a difficultlanguage to learn?

  Yes, definitely!It's so difficult toremember all the words, especially the long words

  like "sophisticated", and"longevity." In addition, the grammar is tricky because of the

  tenses and the prepositions by, at, for,and of. I never know which one to use. And whenever

  I speak, I don't feel as comfortable aswhen I use my native language, of course. It's quite challenging. I guess itrequires a lot of practice.

  2. Do you think that the pace of changewill continue to increase in the future?

  Yes, without a doubt!Because of scientificdevelopment, the pace of life will keep on

  getting faster. Ten years ago in mycountry, very few people had the Internet, but nowadays, everyone has thepossibility to be online at any time using their mobile phones.Ten years ago,roads were still narrow, and the number of cars was almost limited to taxis,but

  nowadays, most households own a vehicle. Inthe future, things will almost certainly keep

  on changing. Children may stop writing onpaper and only use a computer in high school.

  People will definitely be able to travelmore often thanks to new forms of transport. Who

  knows, we might soon move to anotherplanet... Anything is possible!

  3. Do you think that people's attitudes towardstraditional celebrations have changed in recent years?

  Yes, definitely! I guess that nowadayspeople have more money than in the past, so they don't depend on anyone to helpthem celebrate national festivals. In the past, the government used to organizeparades or events within the local community. Nowadays people stay home, watchTV, and fix their own dinners.People used to be very excited about SpringFestival. Nowadays, we all feel a bit bored with the food we get, or the CCTVGala we watch on New Year's Eve. Everything has become too common. People areused to having whatever they want when they want it. We have undeniably beenspoiled.

  4. Do you think that art should be taughtin school?

  Yes, definitely!Art is one aspect of theculture, so it's important for teenagers to learn about their national artsince it represents their national cultural heritage. In addition, when theyare younger drawing and painting can definitely help children develop theirimagination and creativity. Teachers should definitely guide students todevelop their artistic skills.

  5. Do you think that most people in yourcountry eat healthily?

  Yes, to some extent. People in China havealways eaten a lot of vegetables and cereals (like rice).And that is definitelyhealthy. In addition, people are richer than in the past, so they can buy manydifferent kinds of products.It's become possible to drink milk and to

  eat meat or fish on a daily basis. The foodwe get these days is definitely very nutritious. But on the other hand, manypeople also buy a lot of junk food, lots of snacks like chips or candy. This isdetrimental to people's health. On top of this, people don't cook at home asmuch as families used to, and the food in restaurants is usually very oily. Newlifestyles, new problems...

  6. Do you agree that advertising can bedangerous?

  Dangerous? Well, I think the word"dangerous" is too strong here: But I definitely agree thatadvertising could mislead customers from time to time, or tempt people to buymore.

  But this is the aim of advertisements.Aslong as the advertisers don't lie to the public, I think people should usecommon sense in order to realize how serious an ad actually is.I read in

  a magazine that a man in America sued abeer company because the commercial said that he would attract girls if hedrank that particular kind of beer; but unfortunately for him, nothinghappened, even though he drank many bottles. People should not be too naive.

  7.Do you think that parents and children can be good friends?

  Yes, it's definitely possible, but alsodifficult. In my country, many parents are strict with their child. They expecta lot from their kid, and they also want to control what the child does all thetime.So it's impossible for such parents to become friends with their son ordaughter. But if they communicate, and trust each other, and if the parentsgive some space and freedom to the child, then they can definitely build afriendly relationship.

  8. Do you think that people behavedifferently when in a group?

  Well, yes, to some extent. Some individualsmight be shy when they meet new people.

  Some might try to be nicer than they reallyare, because they really want to make a good impression. But I think that somepeople who are confident and relaxed will definitely act the same whether theyare at home with their family or out with new acquaintances.

  9. Do you agree that you can't understandtoday's world without knowing about the past?

  Yes, totally!Whatever happened in the pastdefinitely has an influence on today's situation. This is why it is sointeresting to study history. History can explain today's economical situation;it gives an explanation for the geographical borders of countries or

  the traditions we follow during thenational festivals.If we look at American history, we can clearly understandwhy people think it's such a big deal to have a Black President for the firsttime, because 150 years ago, they still considered African-Americans as slavesin most states. The past definitely explains today's world and our attitudestowards it.

  10. Do you think that men and women wantthe same things in a relationship?

  No way!Well, at least in China, men want abeautiful girl who can get along with their parents and do the housework,whereas women wish for a considerate and smart husband

  who can make them happy. Our expectationsare totally different!



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