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雅思口语考试问题解答:how might..?

雅思口语考试问题解答:how might..?

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Try notto use "maybe" too much. Instead, it's better to say: "We might...People may...It's likely that..."

  Rememberto use these modals (might, may, should, would, must) whenever you are talkingabout the future or hypothesizing. You can always start your sentences with:

  I'm notquite sure yet...

  I haven't made up my mind yet.

  Ofcourse, we don't know what could happen in the future, but I think that... It'sjust an hypothesis, but people might...

  "(Nextyear?) I might go to Australia" is much better than "maybe I will go toAustralia."

  In thefuture, newspapers might disappear because young people prefer reading the newsonline.

  Hypothesis:"Wow!He'swearing a Rolex on his wrist. He must be rich!" is better than "maybe he isrich."

  It mighthappen...

  It mayimprove our future...

  It'ssuite likely that... There's no doubt that...

  Weshould expect to see...


  Theymight even invent... we may learn...

  It'svery likely that... We'll definitely see...

  Itshouldn't be a surprise if...

  I assumethat...

  Peoplemight stop doing... The government may decide to...

  It'sextremely likely that... We'll most certainly


  It wouldbe no surprise


  Isuppose that...

  1.Howmight shopping change in the future?

  Well, ofcourse we don't know what is going to happen in the future, but it seems very

  likelythat more people will buy stuff on the Internet, because it offers more choicesand better prices.In addition, people might be able to pay using their mobilephones, you know, just like we use credit cards right now. I think that ourcell phones may very well come

  toreplace our wallets.I think that it wouldn't be a surprise if cash disappearedand was replaced by electronic money only. You know, we would just need toconnect our mobile to a payment machine, and that would be it. It would be veryconvenient.

  2. Whateffect might the Internet have on the future of newspapers and magazines?

  Well,some people say that newspapers might disappear in the future.They may bereplaced by mobile phones and computers.Already nowadays, fewer people readmagazines and newspapers compared to the past. There is no doubt that the salesof newspapers will continue to drop in the next few years.Are they going tovanish(=disappear)? I am skeptical because a lot of people find it pleasant toread the news on paper.

  3. Howmight attitudes to reading change in the future?

  Well, Iam afraid that people might read less in the future, because there are so manyother hobbies available nowadays. Young people already don't read half as muchas the previous generations because they can watch TV or play computer games,or play a lot of different sports.We have a lot of other choices, and people aredefinitely getting lazier. In the future, people might listen to audio booksinstead of reading them themselves. People have already started reading online,but it's not so pleasant for the eyes, and reading a thick book seems scary formany young people...So, yes, I am a little bit pessimistic about the futuregenerations' attitude towards books and reading.

  4. Howmight the level of urban noise be reduced?

  That's agood question because noise in my city has become almost unbearable in the last3 or 4 years.I guess that all the noise is related to traffic as well as theroad construction going on everywhere across the city. So in my opinion, thebest way to limit noise is to facilitate smoother traffic flow and to forbiddrivers from honking their horns.You know, they always do that at red lightjunctions when traffic is congested. It's so irritating!In addition, a lot ofmotorbikes are equipped with alarm systems that go off whenever someone touchesthe bike. This kind of equipment should definitely be forbidden!It's soannoying and no one even pays attention to it anymore, so it's totally useless.

  5. How might technological advances change transport in the future?

  Well, Ithink that the first thing that will change is the form of energy we use topower cars and buses. There is no doubt that petrol will be replaced byelectricity or solar or

  hydrogenenergy. In addition, flying will become more popular for sure. And in thefuture, we can imagine that our children might get to travel in small,environmentally-friendly rockets. It's quite likely that researchers will comeup with new machines. It's only a matter of time.

  6. Whatmight be the social effects of people working very long hours?

  Well, Ican guess that if people work long hours, they will be tired and most likelystressed. They might not feel like going out with their relatives, or hangingout with their friends after work. I suppose that, if they work too much,people might just go home and

  watchTV, or go online. That means they won't socialize much, and this will have animpact on people's relationships. I guess that if a husband is always tired orgrumpy because he works too much, divorces might happen more frequently. Workhabits can definitely

  influencethe whole society.

  7. Whatmight people mean when they say that the world is getting smaller?

  (Noguessing here; don't say "YOU SHOULD KNOW", use "might, may,it's likely that.'!)

  Well,the saying "the world is getting smaller" is related toglobalization. Nowadays, companies do business throughout the world; you know,Chinese companies export to places all around the world. People can travel andfly in and out of the country very easily.

  Inaddition, we can find out about international news in one single click on ourcomputer; I can talk live to my cousin who lives in Australia through mywebcam. And most importantly, different cultures and ideas spread all acrossthe world. We listen to British rock in China;

  peopleeat Chinese specialties in France... The world is becoming one: it's easy toabout the rest of the world. Globalization brings people closer. That's what itmeans.

  8. Whatnew features would you like to see on personal computers?

  It'syour turn to answer!

  (In thefuture... I would love my computer to have...We might be able to...Who

  knows,we might even...)



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