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雅思口语考试问题解答:how important..?

雅思口语考试问题解答:how important..?

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  It's extremely important because... It'sdefinitely very important...

  It's essential because...

  It's fundamental because...

  It's not that important because... (=It'snot so important because...)

  EMPHASIZE how important it is! SHOW theexaminer YOUR FEELINGS Your voice should BE ENERGETIC!

  Don't be boring!

  In order to explain why it is extremelyimportant (or not), don't hesitate to give examples.

  You can give an example by using "If..."most of the time.


  1. How important is English to you?

  English is extremely important to me,because next year I plan to go to the U.S. I'll need English in order tocommunicate with the people over there, you know, to make friends atuniversity. If my English is limited, I won't be able to understand my teacherseither, so my results at school won't be satisfactory.

  2. How important is age as a factor inearning?

  I think it depends on what you arelearning. For example, if you want to learn how to play an instrument, I don'tthink age is that important. But I believe motivation is fundamental. On theother hand, if you are learning a foreign language, I think it's essential tostart as early as possible, because kids have a better memory, and the youngeryou start, the better your pronunciation will be.

  3. How important are creditcards nowadays?

  Well, in China, credit cards are not thatimportant when you go grocery shopping because many small shops don't acceptthem, but they are definitely very useful when you purchase somethingexpensive. For example, if you buy a computer, or a pricey piece of furniture,you can just swipe your Visa card, instead of carrying a huge amount of cash onyou. It's much safer. In addition, they are very convenient because you can buysomething even if you don't have the money on your card. You can get creditfrom a bank, which you can pay back later: it's very practical. Credit cardsare also necessary/indispensable if you want to buy something online.

  4. How important are friends to you?

  Friends play a significant part in my life.I try to see my friends as often as possible. We frequently get together tochat and have a good time. My friends are a fundamental part of my life and Ireally depend on them, especially when I have good news, or whenever I don'tfeel so cheerful. I think it's essential to have friends you can trust and relyon.

  5. How important is sport in children'ssocial and physical development?

  I think that sport is an essential part ofchildren's daily routines, because sports can make kids stronger and healthier.They need to run and jump to make their muscles work. In addition, there is nodoubt that playing sports is a great way for them to socialize. They can makefriends through sports. On top of this, they can learn the notions of"team-work" and "team-spirit", which are fundamental in today'sworld.

  6. How important are clothes as anexpression of personality?

  Well, I think that clothes can definitelyreflect a person's tastes since everyone usually picks his or her own clothes.Someone who likes to wear dark clothes all the time might want to keep a lowprofile: he might be a little shy. On the other hand, it's extremely importantto remember that it would be a mistake to judge someone's personality accordingto his or her clothes only. A man wearing a suit might look serious and cold,but he may well be a party- animal as soon as he leaves work! Frequently,clothes represent someone's profession more than their personality. As you sayin English, "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

  7. How important is it to have free time onthe weekend for students and

  working people?

  It's fundamental to allow yourself somerest every so often, because if you work

  too much, you will get tired, and you mightnot be as efficient as you could be. You might even get irritated and angrybecause of all the stress you can't get rid of. Workaholics

  and studentaholics might even get sick inthe long term; I mean both physically and psychologically sick. It's essentialto take breaks on a regular basis in order to recharge your batteries and beable to work more efficiently later on.

  8. How important is tourism for acountry?

  Tourism can be extremely important for acountry's economy, because the tourist industry often creates many jobs and canbring a lot of money to a region. When foreigners visit China, they spend theirmoney in restaurants, hotels, organized tours and transportation. It'sextremely beneficial to the local economy. In addition, tourism is definitelyan essential

  way for local cultures to spread outsidetheir borders. If a Frenchman comes to China, he

  will learn about Chinese traditions andhistory. When he goes home, he will share his pictures and insight on Chinawith his friends and family, who will find out more about our country. Tourismis very important in many ways.

  9. How important is it to laugh together ina relationship?

  Well, it's essential to laugh with friendsand relatives. Laughing means that we are in a healthy relationship. When myfriend or my father says something funny, I am going to pat them on theshoulder, or slap their leg to tell them it's a good story. Laughing can bringpeople closer together. If you have a boyfriend, and you never laugh together,you definitely have a problem...

  10. How important is it to save money forthe future?

  I think it's fundamental to save money forthe future because you never know what could happen. In case of emergency, ifour parents get sick or if we get into an accident, we will need money to coverthe damage. In addition, if you want to enjoy life, if you want to go onholidays, or buy a new car, or even get married, it's essential to have moneyset aside.

  11.How important is music for a country?

  Well, music is a significant aspect of aculture.Every country produces its own

  distinctive music, so we could say thatmusic represents one's identity. For example, a national anthem can createfeelings of nationalism. In addition, music can definitely bring people closertogether, in happiness or in sorrow. Music is essential for the people of eachcountry.

  12. How important is it to have a room ofyour own (for yourself)?

  I think it's extremely important for peopleto have their own personal space.

  Especially in China, since our country isso populated and crowded, I think it's essential for people to find a quietplace of their own where they can relax and do their private things. A teenagermight want to be able to talk to his friends on the phone without his motheroverhearing the whole conversation. A student needs space to study efficiently;same for a businessperson who could be more productive in his or her ownoffice.



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