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雅思口语考试问题解答:how could..?

雅思口语考试问题解答:how could..?

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  雅思口语考试问题解答:how could..?

  Be ready to give your point of view on asocial issue.Explain how to tackle the problem, and why it is difficult tohandle it. These are usually hard questions, so take your time to think aboutit, and organize your ideas as if you were writing: First... Second... Inaddition...Thankfully you only need one or two sentences for each point yourare making.

  I guess the best would be to...

  I guess that requires...

  They should definitely do...and...

  It is indispensable(=essential) for thegovernment to... In order to solve this problem,the government should... Themost effective way to solve this problem might be to... They could also arrangeto do...

  A number of actions should be taken...

  In theory...But inpractice...=Theoretically...But actually... This issue should be taken careof(=tackled) step by step... Initially... Then...And probably mostimportantly...

  1.How could students considerably improvetheir English in a short span of time?

  Well, there is no miracle method, butstudents should definitely hit the books pretty hard, and study as much aspossible.I guess the best thing would be for them to get immersed in an Englishspeaking environment in order to practice on a daily basis.You know, if theycould move to Australia or America for a month, they would improve a great dealwithout a doubt.

  2. How can individuals achieve a balancebetween work and leisure?

  Well, initially people need to understandthat they need time to rest and enjoy themselves if they want to remainefficient when they do their work. Then in addition, workaholics should arrangetheir schedule ahead of time in order to plan time for leisure. I really thinkit's a matter of being both organized and able to say "no" to work.Finally, if their boss makes them work too much, employees should have thecourage to face their supervisor to discuss the problem, or find a differentjob.

  3. How could greater cooperation betweencountries be encouraged?

  That's a tough question. Well, I guess thatpresidents from different countries should

  meet as often as possible in order todiscuss economic relationships, as well as international issues.I think thatprime ministers and other leaders should meet their counterparts fromneighboring countries. For example, Education Ministers from both Japan andChina could

  meet to discuss projects related toresearch, as well as foreign exchange programs between

  the two nations.I am sure they could comeup with a lot of other ideas that would help develop internationalcollaboration.

  4. How could safer driving be encouraged?

  Well, initially we should teach youngpeople, that is to say future drivers, that driving can be dangerous and deadlyif people don't respect road regulations.School headmasters could organize aslide show in every class of secondary school to show pictures of accidents toyoung students and make them understand the consequences of unsafe driving.Inaddition, the government should pass legislation to encourage safe driving.Policemenshould enforce the law, and severely punish drivers who run red lights, speedor drink and drive. I really think that such measures are indispensable(=vital)if we want to make sure people get the message.

  5. How could people be encouraged to stayin rural areas?

  Well, this issue should be approached stepby step.The initial thing that should be done is to make sure that young peoplein the countryside receive a good education. It means that good teachers shouldbe enticed to go to the rural areas to work. Then, universities should also beopened in smaller towns.Universities attract companies and all kinds ofbusinesses.These companies could then recruit their staff from thesecolleges.However, it is indispensable for the government to give a hand tothese companies:they could cancel taxes for the first few years, or even givesome generous grants to entrepreneurs who want to set up their business inrural areas.In addition, the government should definitely develop thetransportation networks between cities and rural areas to facilitate businessrelations. It seems easy theoretically, but in practice it's a whole differentstory(=it's very difficult, it takes time).

  6. How could learning to read bemade more enjoyable for children? Well, I guess that parents should readfascinating stories to their kids from a very

  young age, and later on, spend time withthem to help them read. In addition, parents should definitely set an examplefor their kids.If the children often see their parents reading, they willimitate them. On top of this, parents and teachers should use some fun books,with colorful illustrations(=drawings). They should also introduce new storiesto the children in order to feed their curiosity. You know, they could maybetell them about the beginning of the story, and let them read the end bythemselves.

  7. How could galleries and museums attractmore visitors?

  Well, I guess that first of all artgalleries should be free, or very cheap. I also think

  that we should find a way to make museumsmore interesting, I mean less boring.Usually these places are very quiet andsometimes even run-down. It's not a good place for young people to learnsomething practical.Art and history should be considered as practical subjects,so tour guides should interact with the public. They should tell some anecdotesshort stories) to make the visitors think. You know, sightseers could have achance to take a quiz before and after the museum tour. They could installcomputers with big screens that tell stories or ask questions to the guests.And probably most importantly, the museum curator leader) should organize somepartnerships with local schools to explain to students why these places aremeaningful.

  It's now your turn to answer!

  8. How could the living conditions ofanimals in the zoo be improved? 9. How could parents control the amount of timechildren spend online?



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