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作者:-- 来源:网络 发布时间:2019-06-11

  Postgraduate Research Tuition Fees

  What are tuition fees for?

  Studying at a UK University means that you need to pay an annual fee for your tuition, which covers the costs associated with teaching, examinations, assessment and graduation. The fee that you will be charged depends on whether you are considered to be a UK, EU or overseas student. Visiting students will be charge a pro-rata fee for periods of study less than a year.

  Our annual tuition fee is set for a 12 month session, which usually runs from October to September the following year.


  在英国大学学习每年需要支付费用,费用涵盖教学、考试、检验 和毕业四个方面。费用的多少取决这位学生的国籍,是英国、欧盟成员国还是其他国家。访问生学习时间在一年以内的,按比例收费。


  How does Lancaster set overseas tuition fees?

  Overseas fees, alongside all other sources of income, allow the University to maintain its abilities across the range of activities and services. Each year the University’s Finance Committee consider recommendations for increases to fees proposed for all categories of student and this takes into account a range of factors including projected cost inflation for the University, comparisons against other high-quality institutions and external financial factors such as projected exchange rate movements.



  What support is available towards tuition fees?

  Lancaster University’s priority is to support every student in making the most of their education. Many of our students each year will be entitled to bursaries or scholarships to help with the cost of fees and/or living expenses.



  Fees in subsequent years of study

  The University will not increase the Tuition Fee you are charged during the course of an academic year. If you are studying on a programme of more than one year’s duration, the tuition fees for subsequent years of your programme are likely to increase each year.






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