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作者:-- 来源:新东方网 发布时间:2019-12-18


  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  梅花(plum blossom)位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。隆冬时节,五颜六色的梅花不畏严寒,迎着风雪傲然绽放。在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅、激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。自古以来,许多诗人和画家从梅花中获取灵感,创作了无数不朽的作品。普通大众也都喜爱梅花,春节期间常用于家庭装饰。南京市已将梅花定为市花,每年举办梅花节,成千上万的人冒着严寒到梅花山踏雪赏梅。


  The plum blossom,which ranks first among the top ten famous flowers in China, originated in Southern China and has a history of more than 3,000 years of cultivation and planting. At the time of midwinter, plum blossoms of all colors are not afraid of the cold, blooming proudly against the snow. In traditional Chinese culture, plum blossoms, which symbolize strength, purity and elegance, encourage people to move forward with no fear of hardship. Since ancient times, many poets and painters, inspired by plum blossoms, have created countless immortal works. The general public also likes plum blossoms, which are often used for home decoration during the Spring Festival. Nanjing City has designated the plum blossom as the city flower, and each year a plum blossom festival is held, and thousands of people braved the severe cold to visit the Plum Blossom Mountain to enjoy the plum blossoms in the snow.


  (1)梅花(plum blossom)位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。

  解析:可翻译为并列句或定语从句。主要考查主谓和主谓宾结构。中国十大名花:the top ten famous flowers in China; 居首位:rank first; 源于:originate in;中国南方:SouthernChina.

  参考答案:The plum blossom,which ranks first among the topten famous flowers in China,originated in Southern China and has a history of more than 3,000 years of cultivation and planting.


  解析:可翻译为并列句或简单句和伴随状语。五颜六色的:colorful/of all colors绽放:bloom;迎着风雪:against the snow.

  参考答案:At the time of midwinter, plum blossoms of all colors are not afraid of the cold, blooming proudly against the snow.


  解析:可翻译为并列句或定语从句,主要考查主谓宾、主谓宾宾补结构。中国传统文化:traditional Chinese culture; 坚强:strength;纯洁:purity;高雅:elegance;砥砺前行:move forward.

  参考答案:In traditional Chinese culture, plum blossoms, which symbolize strength, purity and elegance, encourage people to move forward with no fear of hardship.


  解析:考查状语的翻译,可以用相应的介词短语分别译出。时态考查现在完成时,注意时间提示词。自古以来:since ancient times。诗人:poet; 画家:painter; 灵感:inspiration; 不朽的:immortal.

  参考答案:Since ancient times, many poets and painters, inspired by plum blossoms, have created countless immortal works.


  解析:考查状语的翻译,可翻译为并列句或定语从句。主干句式为主谓宾和主谓结构。注意被动语态。普通大众:the general public; 家庭装饰:home decoration.

  参考答案:The general public also likes plum blossoms, which are often used for home decoration during the Spring Festival.


  解析:可以翻译为并列句。主要考查复杂词组的翻译。指定:designate; 举办:hold;冒着严寒:brave the cold.

  参考答案:Nanjing City has designated the plum blossom as the city flower, and each year a plum blossom festival is held, and thousands of people braved the cold to visit the plum blossom mountain to enjoy the plum blossoms in the snow.






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