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作者:-- 来源:考试吧 发布时间:2018-09-06

  Life In Ancient Rome

  The ancient Romans are probably best remembered as fighters. Fighting was certainly one of their favourite activities. According to the legend, the city of Rome was founded by the twin sons of Mars — the God of War. The Romans were such successful fighters that no one could resist them. At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from Britain in the west to Persia in the east, and from Germany in the north down to Africa. The most famous Roman leaders were soldiers —Agrippa , Hadrian, Mark Antony and Julius Caesar and the greatest works of Roman literature described many battles these leaders fought.

  Even in peacetime the most popular form of sport in Rome was a battle between two professional fighters called gladiators. These men fought each other with swords and spears. Usually one gladiator killed the other. Gladiators also fought wild animals for the amusement of the Roman crowds. Such entertainments were called circuses, and it was often said that"bread and circuses" were the only two things the Romans needed to be happy.

  But the Romans did not spend all their time fighting. They were great builders. They built wonderful temples and public squares, heated baths and leisure centers, huge arches to celebrate the victories of their generals, and fine private houses, decorated with statues, fountains and mosaics. Their ideas of town planning were very advanced. The roads they built were stright and strong. In many parts of Europe, Roman roads are still in use.


  Ⅰ. According to the p as sage , fill in the blanks with proper words:

  1. One of the favourite activities in ancient Rome was_____________ .

  2. The entertainments that gladiators fought wild animals for amusement were called circuses, so there was a saying that_____________ and_____________ were the only two things the Romans needed to be happy.

  3. Romans were great builders. They built wonderful_____________ and public squares, heated houses and_____________ and huge arches.

  4. The Roman Empire was a wide state and it stretched from_____________ in the west to Persia in the_____________ , and from Germany in the north down to _______

  Ⅱ. Question :

  List two proverbs which are in relation to Rome.


  Ⅰ. 1. fighting 2. bread / circuses 3 . temples / leisure centers 4. Britain / east / Africa

  Ⅱ. The die is cast. All roads lead to Rome.




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