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  • 雅思口语解析:Environment

    1.Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 2.Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems? 3.Why do some people not consider environmental problems t... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Law

    1. Do you think it is necessary to create a law? 2. Do you think the law is fair? 3. Do we have to be punished if we dont follow the law? 4. Whats the difference between a police officer and a lawyer? 1. Do you think it is necessary to crea... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Movies

    Do you think parents should supervise what films children watch? Do you think famous actors can make the movie successful? Would you say that cinemas will disappear in the future? Do you think parents should supervise what films children wa... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Job/Work

    对没有工作经历的学生群体来说 回答起Job/Work一类的题目可能会有些吃力 来学习一下此话题较为合理的切入点和思路 比较常考的问题有哪些咧? Why do young people keep changing jobs? What kinds... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Photography

    Photography是一个在3个part都可能出现的话题,考生们的回答往往大同小异略显笼统。这时候回答角度和思路显得尤为重要,看看你的脑洞能有多大吧~ 1. Do you like taking photos/pictures? 2. Wou... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Handwriting

    Part 1的话题 handwriting书写字迹 四个比较典型的问题是 Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? Do you think handwriting is very important? Nowadays, h... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:famous people/celebrity

    你心目中的famous people是什么样的? 他们的隐私就理应被曝光吗? 光鲜亮丽的背后会不会也有很多辛酸 一起来围观今天的题目↓ What do you think motivates people who seek fame? Some people argue that c... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Colors

    来看几道关于colors的Part1题目 越是贴近生活的话题 越容易扩展我们的答案 Whats your favorite color? Are there any colors you dont like? Are colors important in your everyday life? Were colors important to you when y... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:An interesting magazine

    描述一本有趣的杂志 老师在讲解中给出了多种回答思路 在回答时最好选择自己熟悉的,了解的题材 Describe an interesting magazine. You should say: what magazine it is what the magazine is about how often y... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Computer

    今天来聊聊Computer 遇到electronic device一类的话题总是不知道说些什么 其实这么贴近生活的题目 不需要太多高科技的词汇 围绕自己来构建答案就对啦~ 1.How often do you use a computer? 2.Which... 详情>>


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