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  1. Do you think it is necessary to create a law?

  2. Do you think the law is fair?

  3. Do we have to be punished if we don't follow the law?

  4. What's the difference between a police officer and a lawyer?

  1. Do you think it is necessary to create a law?



  The development of human race has already proved that a proper and sound legal system is required to maintain social security and it is the best symbol of a modern society.


  If there is no deterrent force of laws and regulations, inevitably, the whole society will become chaotic or disorderly.

  If every individual acts without considering other's feeling, there will be much trouble, because the basic right of others can be easily violated and no one can be protected from doing so.

  The social order can only be kept through well-rounded legal system.

  The legal system is also contributing to the social justice and a more healthy society in the long run.



  If most people are fully self-disciplined and well-educated, they can take full charge of their own behaviour and control themselves even in extreme conditions. In this sense, there is no need to establish strict laws and punishment to guide people's behaviour. Well, this can only be achieved when human beings develop into a very advanced level, not in the present-day society.

  2. Do you think the law is fair?



  I don't think law is fair in most cases. It is even sometimes described as the game of the rich people. This is mainly because the final judgment of a case is largely determined by the process of trial, in which lawyer and judge play an indispensable role. The truth is that only the more wealthy side of the case can have the financial power to hire the most experienced and well-known lawyer and it is very likely that they also have a very good relationship with the judge. I'm not saying that the final judgment is wrong, but it is conceivable that the richer can have more advantages in the case.

  政府在制定(introduce/ devise)法律时,都是以政府的/当权者/大多数人的利益(interest)为出发点。所以,不可避免在一些特殊情况,会损害到少部分人的意见。

  When each law is introduced in the first place, they are devised to maximize the profit of the authorities and the majority of the citizens. So, in some situations, the profit of the minority may be damaged. Also, it is almost impossible to create a perfect law that can meet the requirement of each social class. At least, it has not been created until now.



  The creation and implementation of a law has never been decided by only a few people, but it is done by a large number of experts and specialists in this field, with every respects taken into consideration. Besides, with the enforcement of the law, it is also being revised and more cases can be referred when the court judge the situation.


  Even if it was not justice and perfect when first initiated, it can be gradually modified and generally speaking, it can be regarded as a fair system.

  3. Do we have to be punished if we don't follow the law?



  If someone violate the law without being punished, the existence of law will be defeated. In the long run, people will lose their faith in the legal system and do whatever they like according to their own will.


  It is also the best way to deter the potential criminals.


  To correct the mistakes and be prevented from re-commit the crime.


  Solace the victims/



  It depends on many factors, including age and motivation.

  For some teenager criminals, who do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and cannot be fully aware of their own behaviour, they should be punished in a more gentle way, such as being sent to some educational courses or forced to participate in community services, instead of being sent to jail.

  Also, if those who commit crime on the condition of being violated or being threatened with death, they should not be punished or at least the penalty should be reduced.


  Sometimes, we have to take into consideration the particular historical background and social impart of some cases, especially those relating to politics and wars. It is every sensitive and complicated to make a sound judgement of who should be punished and how they should be punished. So probably, in order to maintain the stability of the society and reduce the chain effect of some events, people involving in the case can be treated lightly.

  4. What's the difference between a police officer and a lawyer?


  Both police officers and lawyers are very important parts of the legal system.



  The police officers are in charge of arresting the suspect and keep the social order/ deal with emergencies and fight against social evils

  They also have the responsibility of collecting the evidence in the case.

  They are part of the civil service system, so they are directed work for the government, for the society and for the people. They must keep value neutrality, that is to say, they should keep as objective as they can.



  Lawyers, broadly speaking, are a specific type of profession. They are only the representative of their client, so no matter whom they represent in court, they have to try their best to maximize the profits of their client and try to reduce the punishment of the defendant.

  In this sense, they are less value neutral than the police officer, but they have more decisive role to play on the final judge of each case.



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