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  1. Do you like taking photos/pictures?

  2. Would you like to take photos of others or be photographed?

  3. What do you think of the job photographer?

  4. Do you think photography is a type of art?

  1. Do you like taking photos/pictures?

  听到这个题目很多同学的常规思路是“喜欢拍照,因为有意思(I love taking photos because it is very interesting)”。这种答法非常普便,最大的缺点就是太笼统,细节太少,不符合雅思口语评分标准中 'speak at full length'的内在要求。




  一是like这个单词,我们可以有很多同义替换的词汇,比如love, enjoy, be crazy about, be fond of等等。

  第二语料点就是taking photos/pictures,我们可以想一想是给人照相,还是给风景照相,这样我们在设计答语时,就会有两个可发散的方向。或者两者都涉及到以使答更加丰富。关于taking photos/pictures,我们还可以用特殊疑问词去展开叙述,比如what,用什么拍照,相机还是手机,where喜欢在哪拍照,山里还是海边,还有how often多久拍一次。

  对于这道题目而言,很多同学会有这样一个疑惑,Do you like taking photos 是给自己拍照还是给别人拍照。这里我们可以引入一个短语 take photo of…表示给……拍照。所以为了保险一点,我们理解为给别人或其他东西拍照是绝对不会产生误解的。当然如想表达给自己拍照可以说 take photo of myself. 此题所考查的语法点并不是很难,主要是like doing something这样一个固定搭配。同时有相同语法规则的词还有enjoy doing something, 大家在使用时注意这一点即可。


  Oh, yes, taking photos is my favorite activity to have fun. Every time when I travel with friends or family people to some places such as tourist attractions or parks, I'm sure to take my camera to take pictures of sceneries, people and even myself. I will save and copy these pictures to my computer. Then I sometimes use photoshop to process the pictures to make them look more beautiful. Of course, like a lot of young people, I also use smart mobile phone to have photos quite often. The most important reason why I enjoy doing this activity is that photos always remind me of the wonderful past life. I love it.

  2. Would you like to take photos of others or be photographed?

  这是一个非常经典的选择性的问答题,面对这样的题目,大部分同学还是可以很快做出选择的,例如很多人会说: I would like to take photos of others.但是后续思路的拓展难倒了很多人,比如为什么喜欢这样的做法。理由的补充是雅思口语考试中最重要的细节之一。所以这个题目的思路的新颖性需要体现在reason这个点上。

  我们来进行一下语料分析。首先是Would you like的替换,除了I would like这个短语之外,我们还可以用I would prefer to do, I have my preference for doing,甚至I want to, I love to都是不错的,也可以用一些对比信号比较强烈的词组,例如这样的开头句,Compared with being photographed, I would prefer to take photos of others.



  有的同学说自己不上相,我们可以说他不够photogenic,如果这个单词有难度,就可以说I don't look beautiful/cool/handsome in photo.因此不太喜欢被别人拍照。

  与之相反,有的同学比较喜欢欣赏自己的美,就可以说,I feel really confident when seeing beautiful me in photos.甚至可以自嘲说Maybe I have narcissism,有点自恋。因此这样的同学可以选择说喜欢被照相。这里我们谈了较多被拍照的思路,

  除此之外,我们也可以就take photos of others展开分析,photography摄影是一个相对专业一点的爱好,想要拍好照片需要一定的技术,所以我们可以考虑一下自己的特长和爱好,从而确定怎么去答题。假如我的摄影技术很差,就可以说Taking photos of others is a hard job for me and many of my friends say that I often make them look weird in photos, so I seldom take photos of others.总之,这个题目思路和语料的展开是非常灵活的,因为题目给我们提供了两个事件:拍和被拍。因此,对比是主题。


  Well, I would prefer to take photos of others firstly because I have ever learned some professional knowledge of photography and I really want to get me to practice such skill. Also, taking photos of people and sceneries is a process of making beauty and I love this type of art. Very embarrassingly, I'm always not photogenic and I don't want to see myself in photos. That's why I don't like being photographed.

  3. What do you think of the job photographer?

  这是一个比较开放的题目,不像yes 和no 这种题目有很强的方向感。所以有相当一部分同学拿到这个题往往不知从何说起,有的同学也仅仅可以说一些I think the job is good, I want to do it 这样简单的词句。那么如何才能破题呢?首先我们需要理解what do you think of这个句子的具体含义。那么这个句子说的是“我们是如何看待……”。“如何看待”是一个非常开放的问题,既然想答出确切的内容,我们就需要将这样开放的题目封闭化,比如我们可以这样理解:你觉得做摄影师这样的工作好不好?这样我们就可以把问题转化为yes和no的问题了。所以我们在分析问题时需要做一些变通。那么下面我们可以想一些用来形容这种工作好与不好的语料,比如well-paid 工资高,flexible working time灵活的工作时间,have chances to see many different sceneries有很多机会去欣赏不同的风景。当然这些都是好的一方面,那么自然我们也有一些词句表示该工作不好,例如: it is bad for vision if we keep our eyes fixed on lens of camera,长期盯着镜头看对眼睛不好。Rest time is irregular so we may happen to some problems concerning health, 休息时间不固定,所以我们可能会有出现有些健康问题,诸如此类的语料。


  Well, personally speaking, photographer is an ideal job. If I have a chance, I will do this job. The first thing that attracts me is the flexible working time. Photographer doesn't need to stay in office for long. More favorably, enjoying sceneries in different places is another treat for me. So I think I will try to get the skill of photography.

  4. Do you think photography is a type of art?

  这是一道相当难的问题,PART3也出现过这样的题目。对第一句的回应,大家一般都可以答出来,那就是I think it is或者I don't think so.当然很多同学也都会用一些同义词这样语料也替换I think, 比如I believe, personally speaking, I guess等等。然而后续的理由补充就难倒了相当一大部分同学。

  为了解决这个思路难点,我们可以用一个非常巧妙的方法,那就是“自我定义法”。我们可以先来定义什么是art,也许有些同学可能会说这个也不太会。其实我们不需要说地那么专业,只是说出我们对art的个人理解就行了。比如: Art is something that gives people pleasant feeling and rich imagination when we appreciate it. Like painting, making a good photo also needs us to deal with colors and images. 有了对art的定义,事情就好办多了。口语中,我们很多时候可以任性地表达自己的观点和对事物的理解。所以我们可以主观地以为photography摄影正好符合我们对art的定义。


  As far as I know, photography is undoubtedly a type of art. Let's see what art is first, in my view, art is something that gives people pleasant feeling and rich imagination when we appreciate it and nice photos give me the same feeling as well. Also, making a good photo also needs us to deal with colors and images and this is quite the same as painting.



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