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雅思口语解析:An interesting magazine

雅思口语解析:An interesting magazine

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享




  Describe an interesting magazine.

  You should say:

  what magazine it is

  what the magazine is about

  how often you read it

  and explain why you like to read it.


  对于part2 的话题,大家习惯性的答题方法是两句话总结cue card的上的问题,然后将问题的答案进行一次又一次的重复,因为每个问题其实都没有得到深度的解答,因此,建议同学们将四个问题认真分析,把两分钟的演讲按照提示问题分成四个三十秒钟的回答,这样的答案结构清晰,易于考官理解,并且每个问题因为有三十秒的限制,都能够得到较为详尽的解释,给考官信息量丰富的感觉。


  第一点,选题。在选题方面有一个原则即 don't step out of your comfort zone,翻译成中文是不要走出舒适区,这句话的意思是要求同学们谈论自己熟悉的,了解的题材,而非从网络或者书上借来的内容,越和你自己生活相关,你在谈论的时候也会更有信心,答出的细节也会更多更真实。常见的杂志可分为时尚类,体育类,政治类,历史类,经济类,新闻类等等,选择你喜欢的领域。





  d.为什么喜欢看 ,讲出理由收尾即可。


  When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about 开头句

  be published 发表

  continuously 持续地不间断地

  first issue 第一版

  edition 版本

  global circulation 全球发行量

  distinctive features 特点


  dramatic戏剧性的 夸张的

  never fail to do 做某事从未失败

  catch one's attention 吸引某人

  endangered species, global warming and environmental issues濒危物种,全球变暖,环境问题

  feel close to…对...感觉亲近

  be born and raised+地点 在某地土生土长

  When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about a magazine named National Geographic, it has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888. This magazine is circulated worldwide in nearly 40 local-language editions and had a global circulation of 6.8 million per month.

  This magazine contains articles about geography, history and world culture. There are two distinctive features about it, the first thing is its extensive use of dramatic photographs, when people open it, the colourful pictures of rivers, mountains and animals never fail to catch their attention. The secondly thing would be the topics it has, most of the articles are about important issues like endangered species, global warming and environmental issues, more and more people have known a lot about our planet and its' main challenge through reading it.

  I read it not often, maybe about once a month, for the reason that I'm buried in my homework for the most of the time, also that I prefer to read it in English, and there are many words that I need to look up, so it takes me a long time to read it.

  I love reading it mainly because I love to feel close to nature, for someone like me who was born and raised in the city, I seldom have the chance to go to a forest or climb a mountain, so reading National Geographic is a good way for me to know more about about our beautiful mother planet.



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