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  What's your favorite color?

  Are there any colors you don't like?

  Are colors important in your everyday life?

  Were colors important to you when you were a child?

  What's your favorite color?



  red… one of the brightest colors… passion… put me in a good mood… clothes… vivid… go well with… look great in…

  blue… light blue… match my skin… sportswear… look pretty on me…

  don't know… care much about… dark colors… black… doesn't show the dirt... hate doing the laundry…


  I would say I like red the best, mostly because it's one of the brightest color and represents passion or something. Anyway, it seems that the vivid color can usually put me in a good mood. I guess that's why I love wearing red clothes. And of course, red goes well with my skin.


  I don't know… I'm not sure, really. Actually I never care much about colors of my clothes. If I had to choose one, I guess I would probably go for the dark colors, something like black or dark grey, because you know, they don't show the dirt easily. To tell you the truth, I really hate doing the laundry.

  Are there any colors you don't like?


  语料:… pink… pinkish red… can't bear it… girly… won't even touch it… put up with…

  … something between… lighter/darker… mixture of… look like… similar to… old-fashioned… out of style… never dress myself in…


  Colors I don't like… let me see. I've never thought about that before, but .. I suppose I would never put up with pink, or any pinkish red. I just can't bear it because it's too girly. You know, if I had anything in that color, either a piece of clothing or a daily item, I guess I would never touch it.


  Well, I don't think there is a color that I really hate, but I don't appreciate the color… how can I put it… it's something between light brown and dark yellow. It looks like a mixture of them and it's similar to the color of dirt or soil… if you know what I mean. Anyway, I guess I will never dress myself in such colors because it's really old-fashioned.

  Are colors important in your everyday life?



  … pay much attention to… particular about… affect my emotions… bright colors… put me in a good mood… feel terrible… spend a lot of time in front of the mirror… shopping for clothes… hesitate a lot… repaint my room…

  … care much about… mind… in style… go well with … picky… bear with it… not much of a problem…


  Yes. Actually I pay much attention to the colors in my life because I believe they can significantly affect my emotions. For example, bright colors can generally put me in a good mood but some dark colors just make me feel terrible. So, I'm quite particular about colors and that's why I often spend a lot of time in front of the mirror when I go shopping for clothes and I hesitate a lot before repainting my room.


  No, not really. In fact I don't care much about colors. To tell you the truth, when I shop for clothes, I don't even mind whether the color is in style or not. I don't know whether they go well with my skin either. I'm not picky about that at all. Whatever it is, I can bear with it. It's not much of a problem.

  Were colors important to you when you were a child?



  … hard to please… balloon… keep crying and screaming…

  … good boy… willing to put on…


  Well, I don't remember that clearly, but my parents used to tell me that I was quite hard to please. I mean, I was quite particular with colors. For example, when they bought a balloon for me, I would ask for a specific color. If they didn't get the right one, I would keep crying and screaming.


  When I was a child… let me see… as far as I remember, I wasn't choosy about colors. In fact, I was willing to wear anything that my parents bought for me. In retrospect, some of the items they bought for me were in outdated colors. But I accepted all of them.



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