How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?
What's you attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places?
Is it popular to use mobile phones in your country?
Is it harmful for children to use mobile phones?
1. How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?
Young people and old people must use mobile phones very differently in more than one aspect. For example, how often do they use a mobile phone? What do they use a mobile phone for? What kinds of mobile phones do they prefer? All of these vary with the age of the mobile phone users. I think from the elderly's perspective, mobiles phones are no more than an ordinary telecommunication tool, like telephones or telegraphs, only smaller, quicker and much more modernised. From what I've seen, the two main functions of mobile phones that appeal to elderly people are sending text messages and making phone calls. There are also extreme situations where elderly people repel using a mobile phone for the fear of radiation. However, things are much different regarding young people. Mobile phones are a complex of communication, entertainment and digital assistance. With a mobile phone, they can take photographs, keep daily agendas, send emails, play small games, watch videos, to name but a few. In one word, to the aged, mobile phones are more like a supplement whereas to the young, mobile phones are a major part, if not all, of their daily life.
2. What's you attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places?
For those very busy people, I think using mobile phones in public places is tolerable, provided that they keep their voice down and do not interrupt others in any way. I do believe that there are certain rules to obey when using mobile phones in public places. To be specific, some places, like theatres, doctors' consulting rooms and college lecture rooms are definitely not suitable for the use of mobile phones. Also, it is much more courteous to switch the ring to silence. However, I can't stand those people who talk loudly over a mobile phone in public places as if there is nobody else. It's so rude.
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