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  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:喜欢的歌手

    喜欢的歌手 1.Do you think the most popular singer is the best one? Obviously not. Nowadays, those ranking lists like billboard or whatever, can be easily manipulated, so the most popular ones on the list are not even guaranteed to be g... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:鼓励你的人

    鼓励你的人 1. What will encourage children to learn more? I think the answer to this question is quite certain. Cuz if we really wanna ENCOURAGE children to learn, the best way would be to find their interests. Many people say Interest... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:历史建筑

    历史建筑 1. Do most people agree to the governments funding to protect historical buildings? I guess yes, Im not terribly familiar with architecture, or administrative affair, but in my sense, or, in a common sense, donations from indiv... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:童年让你笑的人

    童年让你笑的人 1. What can make children laugh? From my experience interacting with my little sister, I think it is actually pretty easy to make children laugh, because there are many ways. One of the most effective ways to make them... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:想见的外国名人

    想见的外国名人 1. How can people become famous? People become famous for different reasons. For instance, some people became famous because of a role he or she played in a certain movie in Hollywood, and some others turned well-known... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:给别人建议

    给别人建议 1. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends? In terms of making friends, a common advice that parents give to teenagers is to identify whether or not these would-be friends are right for them. Most paren... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:早起

    早起 1. Is it easier for older people to get up earlier than young people? Well, although many people believe that getting up earlier is easier for older people than for young people, I think it really depends. For instance, my grandmothe... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:邀请聚餐

    邀请聚餐 1. Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future? Yes, I think this scenario is quite possible in the future. Take myself and my family as an example, as a college student, I... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:利用网络解决问题

    利用网络解决问题 1. What do people do online in their free time? Nowadays, what people usually do online in their free time includes searching for information, watching videos and playing online games. The Internet offers tons of he... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语新题范文part3:交通工具故障

    交通工具故障 1. Who likes to travel more? Older people or younger people? I think young people tend to travel more. Since people have to tour around places all day long, traveling could be physically demanding. With significantly lowe... 详情>>


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