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  1. What will encourage children to learn more?

  I think the answer to this question is quite certain. Cuz if we really wanna ENCOURAGE children to learn, the best way would be to find their interests. Many people say 'Interest is the best teacher', yet they never actually carry out the words. From what I see in China, most parents make, or shall we say, push, their children into learning piano, Sinology or robotics, and justify these all in the name of 'better future'. You see, the way I see it, they should try their best to find the kids' natural interests and talents, then cultivate those with proper guidance they can find.

  2. Who do you think has the greater influence on the goal-setting of children? Teachers or parents? To be fair, I think teachers play a more important role here, on the goal-setting of children. The truth is, Chinese kids nowadays spend way more hours at school than at home, that is, if we regard sleeping as 'not effectively at home', cuz they do not interact with their parents at all during sleep, do they? Given that they spend so long time with their teachers in classes, they are significantly influenced by their teachers' behaviour and words, especially development-wise.

  3. Do parents and teachers punish children physically nowadays?

  Well, in fact, I believe this kind of phenomena still exists in some places, especially in rural areas in our country. You see, we did have a saying in China like 'Strict teachers make smart students.' or 'Beating makes a decent kid', which are implying that students, or kids, can be legitimately punished in physical ways. Now, with the development of educational theory and civilisation, physical punishments are basically stamped out in the cities. But in some remote areas, news still shows that there are such behaviours.

  4. Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?

  Um… Let's just say, goals are actually the source of one's motivation. Without goals, one would not be able to find the direction in which they should proceed. Teenagers are too young to lose their way, so they must try to set proper goals. With achievable short-term goals, they would be able to enjoy the success once they meet them, and they'd also need a larger, long-term goal.



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