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  1. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

  In terms of making friends, a common advice that parents give to teenagers is to identify whether or not these would-be friends are right for them. Most parents are concerned that making bad friends can seriously damage their children's future. Another advice that parents have for teenagers is to stay loyal and committed to their friendships. Friends are an important part of teenagers' life and can give them crucial help when they are in need.

  2. How do experts give advice to others?

  While giving advice to others, experts usually focus on evidence and conclusion. More often than not, experts would first lay out their conclusion on how others should proceed to solve their problems. Then they explain their conclusion with evidence that can back it up. In terms of materials for their evidence, experts might use their personal experience or relevant data to prove their conclusion. In this way, others are more likely to accept their advice as they are logically reasonable and convincing.

  3. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

  Parents would usually advise their children to respect other people, because they believe that respect for others is one of the most fundamental morals in life. In addition, parents also want their children to know what they are passionate about. Passions can stimulate children's curiosity and drive them to relentlessly strive for their goals. Parents generally believe that the sooner children find their passions, the better it is for them to deliver their dreams.

  4. Whose advice is more helpful, parents' or friends'?

  I believe that more often than not, parents' advice is more helpful than friends'. Spending years together ever since we are born, our parents are more likely to understand what we truly need, so they are capable of figuring out solutions that can address our needs. On top of that, having been through ups and downs of their life, our parents are also more experienced and capable of giving constructive advice than our friends.



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