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  1. What can make children laugh?

  From my experience interacting with my little sister, I think it is actually pretty easy to make children laugh, because there are many ways. One of the most effective ways to make them laugh is to buy them snacks they like, or buy them toys they enjoy playing with. For example, you can purchase some candies if you intend to make a little girl laugh.

  2. What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

  Even though it is an opinion held by many people to have children as early as possible after one's marriage, I still believe that the best age for people to have children is when they are in their thirties. In my opinion, if people have children too early, they would not have essential ability to educate them, because they are still young after all. And if they have children while they grow mature, they can better educate and help their children grow holistically.

  3. Do you think childhood is the most important in one's development?

  Well, childhood is undoubtedly the most important period in one's development, because according to modern science, one's personalities are formed during their childhood and will have longstanding influences on one's whole life. Also, a person will always be influenced by one's memories in their childhoods, which makes childhood extremely important for one's development. 4.Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

  From my point of view, I do believe that every person is supposed to be trained before they become parents, as being parents means taking more responsibilities and making more decisions. If some one who is not ready to become parents has to raise children, he or she must be trained by professionals to be better prepared, which is very important for the family as a whole.



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