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  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:第二国语言

    Describe a second language (except English) that you want to learn 第二国语言 You should say: What it is What difficulty you will meet Where you would learn it How you would learn it And explain why you want to learn it 我想学习日语... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:在他人帮助下做的决定

    Describe an important decision you made with the help of others 在他人帮助下做的决定 You should say: Who helped you make it What the decision was When it happened And explain how you felt about it 我最近两年一直在考虑出... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:有故障的设备

    Describe a time when a piece of equipment was broken(such as TV) 有故障的设备 You should say: What it was What problem it was What you did after it was broken And explain how you felt about it 我想讲讲前些天我笔记本坏掉的事... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:重要的植物

    Describe an important plant in your country 重要的植物 You should say What it is Where you see it What it looks like And explain why it is important 薄荷,是一种比较常见的调料,在家里的花盆里看到的,薄荷叶的边... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:保护环境的人

    Describe a person who try to protect the environment 保护环境的人 You should say: Who the person is How the person protect the environment What difficulty this person has faced And explain how you felt about the person 她一直跟我说... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:感兴趣的历史时期

    Describe a historical period you would like to know 感兴趣的历史时期 You should say: When it was How you heard of it What you are interested in What you have known And explain why you would like to know more 文艺复兴是指发生在... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:高智商的人

    Describe an intelligent person that you know 高智商的人 You should say: Who the person is How you know the person What the person does And explain why you think the person intelligent 我要介绍的是我的朋友adam,他是我在和朋... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:影响城市的公共设施

    Describe a newly built public facility that influences your city 影响城市的公共设施 You should say: When it was built What people can do there Where it is And explain how it influences your city 今年暑假,建立了一个新的电... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:一起学习/工作的人

    Describe someone you would like to study or work with 一起学习工作的人 You should say: Who the person is How long you have known the person What you have done together And explain why you would like to work/study with the person 如果... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2话题范文:儿时榜样

    Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up 儿时榜样 You should say: When you first met the person Who the person was What the person did And explain why you wanted to become this person 初中的时候我希望... 详情>>


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