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  Describe a historical period you would like to know


  You should say:

  When it was

  How you heard of it

  What you are interested in

  What you have known

  And explain why you would like to know more

  文艺复兴是指发生在14世纪到16世纪的一场反映新兴资产阶级要求的欧洲思想文化运动. 文艺复兴之 所以如此出名,与在这段时间所涌现的一批杰出的艺术家和艺术作品是分不开的. 我从小就很喜欢艺术, 尤其是达芬奇的作品,所以才会从书里去了解这段知识.

  The Renaissance was a European ideological and cultural movement(思想文化运动) that reflected the demands of the emerging bourgeoisie(新兴的资产阶级) from the fourteenth century to sixteenth century. The Renaissance first started in various cities of Italy, and then expanded to Western Europe. It reached its peak(顶峰) in the sixteenth century and brought about a period of science and art revolution, which was the prelude(序幕) of modern European history. To be honest, it is regarded as the demarcation line(分界线) between medieval times(中古时代) and modern times. The Renaissance is one of the three major ideological emancipation movements(思想解放运动) in Western Europe. From my perspective, the Renaissance is known well by us(著名) because of a number of prominent artists(杰出的艺术家), such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci and so on, and remarkable works of art(优秀的艺术作品) that emerged during this period. Their works, after hundreds of years, are still praised and spoken highly of(至今为人们所称道). I was fond of(喜欢) art at an early age, especially the works of Da Vinci, and that's why I am so interested in this special historical period and learnt a lot about the period from related books.



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