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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up


  You should say:

  When you first met the person

  Who the person was

  What the person did

  And explain why you wanted to become this person

  初中的时候我希望长大后可以像我的英语老师一样。她是我初中三年的英语老师,是一个特别聪明优秀、 很会打扮自己的女人。在课堂上她会教我们一些很新潮的英语表达,举的例子都是年轻人感兴趣的话题, 我想和她一样有一口流利的英语,同时充满年轻的活力。

  When I was in junior high school, my English teacher was a young lady who had a great influence on me(对我产生很大影响). I really admired her and hoped to become someone like her when I grew up. She was my English teacher for three years in junior high school. Our class always scored far higher than other classes in English(在英语上比别的班级得分高) because she was very professional and skilled at teaching English. She was a very smart and kind lady, and she always dressed herself up well(穿着得体) whenever she showed up. In class, she often taught us some very trendy expressions in English(时髦的英语表达) instead of strict written language(严格的书面语) in textbooks. The examples she used were all topics that could raise young people’s interests. She was also very humorous and always made us laugh in her class. Therefore, everyone in our class was very active in her English classes. We were always highly concentrated, eager to be called and to answer her questions, and our class was far ahead in English in our grade. My love for English was ignited by her(点燃我对英语的热爱). The reason why I want to be someone like her is that I want to speak English as fluently as she can, and I want to be full of vigor like her and accept all kinds of new ideas and always stay in fashion(走在时尚前列).



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