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  Describe an important decision you made with the help of others


  You should say:

  Who helped you make it

  What the decision was

  When it happened

  And explain how you felt about it

  我最近两年一直在考虑出国读书,但是不知道应该选择哪个国家。刚好有个朋友留学回来,他详细地给 我讲了英国的文化环境,教育方式还有气候。并且和我一起比较了新西兰和澳洲的利与弊。最终我决定去 澳洲,因为它的气候更适合我,而且那里有更适合我的专业和学校。非常感谢我的朋友的帮助。

  I'd like to talk about when Justin, a friend, helped me finally make up my mind to go to Australia for further education. I've been thinking about going abroad to get a master's degree but I was not sure which country to choose. In fact, I was quite interested in European culture and wished to live there to experience it personally(亲自体验). You know, the beautiful architecture, and the relics from Roman times and the art. It all seems so intriguing. However, I am also attracted by the natural views that Australia has to offer.(我对澳洲的自然风光也非常喜欢) Nature captivates me easily. When I'm close to it, I'm at home. (在大自然的时候是我最开心的时候) Plus, New Zealand also seemed like a good choice for me because I have a relative who moved there many years ago and he could certainly look after me if I go there. Just imagine how frustrated I was, with all these options. That's when I met Justin, a friend who just came back from England. He had traveled to many places, for study and work. Apparently, he had been to England, Australia as well as New Zealand. I eagerly asked him out for tea, of course. Luckily, he was generous with his advice. We discussed the pros and cons of (优缺点) each country, for my scenario especially. Finally, I decided that Australia was the best option because they have just the right major for me, and the climate there is similar to China's. Also, Australia has a large Chinese population so I shouldn't feel too alone. I really appreciated Justin's help. Of course, the tea was my treat!



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