作为植物是可数名词,可用颗表示,表示蔬菜,就是做成熟菜了就是不可数名词。You go through the works, and then you're like this perfectly prepared sausage...no one ever sees what goes in.
cold sausage 冷茶肠 ; 冷茶肠〔西菜名
sausage sandwich 香肠三明治 ; 肠子三明治 ; 腊肠三明治 ; 香肠
bologna sausage 年夜红肠 ; 大白肠 ; 波洛尼亚香肠
sausage roll 香肠肉卷 ; 香肠卷 ; 翻译
sausage structure 香肠构造 ; 香肠状构造
skinless sausage 无衣香肠 ; 无衣腊肠 ; 无衣灌肠
liver sausage 肝肠 ; 肝肉香肠 ; 肝香肠 ; 肝泥香肠
small sausage 小红肠
Cumberland Sausage 坎伯兰香肠
It can not only grapes, apples a food, but also as a seasoning or with sausage consumption.
If you're lucky, you get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English fry-up.
1.Shaped like a sausage.香肠状的形状象香肠的。
2.A sausage made of or containing ground liver.肝肠用肝泥灌制的香肠。
3.Suddenly the sausage jumped up突然,香肠跳起来。
4.Oh, sausages and hot dogs.哦,是香肠和热狗。
5.I want some meat, Mom.我想吃香肠,妈妈。
6.The sausage... well... he was just a sausage.而香肠……呃……他就只是香肠嘛。
7.fresh pork sausage猪肉香肠馅生猪肉小香肠。
8.sausage roll (ausage meat baked in a tube of pastry)香肠卷(面皮卷香肠肉馅烤的点心)。
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