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  • 高铁中常见词汇的英文表达 日期:2018-12-13 14:58:53 点击:64 好评:0

    高铁中常见的那些词汇在英语中如何表达?以下已总结好,拿走不谢呦! business class 商务座 speed cut 减速 test period 测试期间 technical reliability 技术可靠性 dual-speed system 双速制 run chart 运...

  • 英语中“笑”的各种表达 日期:2018-12-13 14:55:14 点击:118 好评:0

    英文中,你只知道用laugh来表达“笑”吗?No!No!No!那这篇文章你就一定要看下去了,其实“笑”是有很多种表达方法的! burst into gales of laughter 爆发出阵阵笑声 grin with delight 高兴的...

  • 常用英文短语在对话中的应用:明明白白 日期:2018-12-13 14:43:22 点击:110 好评:0

    英文短语: on/at the Greek calends 永不 应用对话: A: Tom borrowed money from me yesterday. A:汤姆昨天借了我一些钱。 B: What? Why did you lend money to him? B:什么?你为什么借钱给他? A: Whats wrong? H...

  • 常用英文短语在对话中的应用:爱好范围 日期:2018-12-13 14:43:06 点击:101 好评:0

    英文短语: ones line of country 爱好范围 应用对话: A: What do you like best? A:你最喜欢什么? B: Music and movie are my line of country. B:音乐和电影是我的爱好。 A: Oh... A:哦…… B: I have learned...

  • 常用英文短语在对话中的应用:永不 日期:2018-12-13 14:34:58 点击:141 好评:0

    英文短语: on/at the Greek calends 永不 应用对话: A: Tom borrowed money from me yesterday. A:汤姆昨天借了我一些钱。 B: What? Why did you lend money to him? B:什么?你为什么借钱给他? A: Whats wrong? H...

  • 职场节日问候的英文邮件范例(三) 日期:2018-12-13 14:30:07 点击:87 好评:0

    原文: Dear Sirs: Thank you for your warm greeting, which will motivate us to work harder in the next year. We had a difficult year because of the economic crisis, but we not only survived it but also made some progress. It was the power...

  • 职场节日问候的英文邮件范例(二) 日期:2018-12-13 14:29:17 点击:59 好评:0

    原文: Dear Sirs: Thank you for your greeting. Every one of us can feel the warmth you sent to us. We also extend our best wishes for you in Christmas and New Year. The last year witnessed the great develop-ment of our company in spite o...

  • 职场节日问候的英文邮件范例(一) 日期:2018-12-13 14:24:45 点击:64 好评:0

    原文: Dear colleagues: On the occasion of Christmas and New Year, I, on behalf of the board, am writing to extend my warmest greetings to you, merry Christmas and happy New Year. Thank you for your devotion and commitment for the last y...

  • 双语:中国将于明年1月1日启动第四次全国经济普查 日期:2018-12-13 14:10:26 点击:181 好评:0

    China’s fourth national economic census will officially begin on the first day of 2019. 中国第四次全国经济普查将于2019年第一天正式开始。 The survey, which will last three months, will cover all businesses involved in...

  • 为什么英语要学习听说读写? 日期:2018-12-13 11:33:38 点击:111 好评:0


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