You should say: Who is this person what is his/her business Why you admire this person 参考范文: Mr. Alex Smith (…or say a name you prefer…) is a successful businessman I know about. He is from my hometown and he now owns two grou... 详情>>
You should say: Who the parent is How you know the parent What the parent looks like And explain why you think the parent is good. 9分级范文: Ok right then, well the parent Id like to talk about is the mother of a good friend of mine,... 详情>>
实用的、有效的套句实际上就是指可以随意变化和自如运用的句型,也就是大家在表达一种语言逻辑的时候可以运用的句式特点。比如说一个考生在表达“理由”的时候,如果只用bec... 详情>>
Recently, art is a very popular and hot topic in IELTS Oral English. And most of the students are having a hard time to answer questions related to it because most of them do not have any knowledge or idea about it. Actually, art is a creat... 详情>>
雅思口语考试中很少直接问到关于“传统”(tradition)的考题,但“传统”之所以作为八大魔鬼话题的最后一个出现在我们的备考清单上,其原因就在于该话题具备了三大特性:隐蔽、... 详情>>
分类联想 为什么要分类? 很多同学会问,为什么要分类? 怎么分类? 想象一下考前当你面对诸多的口语话题卡,如何能够将有限的时间利用起来做出有效的复习和准备?如果将手边的... 详情>>
1、STATEMENT(陈诉)I think ..... 2、REASON(原因)Because....... 3、EXAMPLE(举例)for example...... For example: I think the weather is favourable in Shanghai. Because there are humid climate in four seasons, for exmple, th... 详情>>
一、如何做到呢?(how to do it) 首先(first of all)要对口语进行客观(objective)、合理地(reasonable)分类:一是标准的(standard)发音;二是准确地(correct)表达。 二、如何练就这两... 详情>>
雅思口语考试历来是中国考生最担心的一关,虽然时间短,但是考核的时候要面对面,这无疑会产生紧张的心理。考生平时除了话题、句子的积累,更要多加强一些口语考试环境的模拟... 详情>>
There are many topics and questions in IELTS Oral English that gives candidates a hard time to tackle or give impressive answers. Most of them would blame these facts to their inadequate oral English ability or lack of vocabulary. However,... 详情>>