You should say: where it is what it is like when you want to live there and explain why you like it 参考范文:我的城堡梦 If I were a billionaire and had the money, I would love to rent or buy a castle for my own royal lifestyle. E... 详情>>
You should say: What is it Where does it grow Do you like it or not 参考范文:竹子(9分级范文) Id like to talk about the plant-bamboo. So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I cant really remember exactly how I... 详情>>
what how do you know it where you can eat it why you like it 参考范文: Id like to tell you about my first experience of Japanese cuisine. This story took place about five or six years ago now, when I was dating my ex-girlfriend. One e... 详情>>
You should say: What it looks like Where did you get it Why do you like it And When do you wear it 参考范文:紫色衬衣 Ooh, favourite item of clothing! Im not much of a clothes horse to be honest, Im not very interested in fashion s... 详情>>
You should say: What it is Have you ever used it And why do you think it can change the world 思路分析: Smart Phones This is a great topic to choose because there are so many features of a mobile phone that you can talk forever about... 详情>>
You should say: Who the person is What kind of person he/she is How this person help you Why do you think this person is helpful Im sure that by far the most helpful person ever is my colleague and friend Ann. You know, there are many peopl... 详情>>
You should say: Who the person is When you met the person What did this person do And explain why you think the person is clever until recently, i had an unsolvable problem. Or at least, I was fully convinced that my problem couldnt be solv... 详情>>
You should say Who are they How you knew them How long have they been married And explain how you feel about their marriage Im sure that my parents are the two people who have what I can classify as a really happy marriage. Just imagine, ne... 详情>>
You should say: Who the person is How you know the person What the person looks like And explain why you think the person is polite. Ok, right then, well the person Id like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew,... 详情>>
You should say: Who the person is How did you know this person And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting I live in a crowded high-rise building, and have neighbours next door, below and above.I guess, about a hundred people in... 详情>>