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雅思口语P2范文:an invention that changed the world

雅思口语P2范文:an invention that changed the world

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  You should say:

  What it is

  Have you ever used it

  And why do you think it can change the world


  Smart Phones

  This is a great topic to choose because there are so many features of a mobile phone that you can talk forever about this. You can also talk about which features you use and why they are useful to you: camera, video, texting, calendar, weather, music player, GPS, web browser (shopping online, online banking etc)

  The cue card mentions who invented it – you don't need to know this information. You can say "I do not know who invented it but some of the top selling brands are "Apple" etc. If you don't know when it was invented, you can say "I'm not exactly sure when it was invented but most people have been using them for the last decade at least."


  Another great topic which allows you to take your talk in any direction you want: international business, social media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter), globalisation, online education etc


  You can talk about: news, weather reports, films, soap operas, documentaries and education programs, escapism, relaxation, reality TV, chat shows etc

  Modern Transportation

  Cars, aeroplanes, trains. You can talk about each type as well as globalisation and tourism.



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