You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he/she is
How this person help you
Why do you think this person is helpful
I'm sure that by far the most helpful person ever is my colleague and friend Ann. You know, there are many people who are ready to help me out when they don't have to beyond and above. But Ann is always willing give me a helping hand whenever I ask her for it, even when she's up to ears in work or even if she feels tired.
First of all, she is really great at problem-solving. So she is the first person I rush to when I have some dilemma. Somehow she manages to come up with brilliant solutions to all problems we discuss. Secondly, she can negotiate till the cows come home. For this reason, sometimes i ask her to speak with difficult customers or suppliers who don't want to find a compromise.
Also, when i'm ill or when I'm on a business trip, she covers for me. If it weren't for Ann, anytime I had to miss a couple days in the office, whether it be for personal reasons, a vacation, or an illness, I would get stressed out as I would worry about the emails I'm missing, the meetings I had to cancel, and I would think about the hours upon hours it would take me to get caught up. Ann picks my workload and helps me avoid this viscious cycle by stepping in to lend a helping hand when and where she can.
Sometimes, when I' away, I ask her to feed my pets, water my flowers and keep an eye on my flat. She helps me out in any difficult situation I face. At times, she seems to be on the lookout for an opportunity to help out. I know about her selfless nature and I try not to abuse her kindness.
What are the qualities of being helpful?
Do you think children should be taught to help others?
Do you know someone who really likes helping people?
What can parents do to cultivate children’s quality of helping others?
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