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  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:有关外来的书/电影

    Describe a book or film about the future you read or watched. You should say: What the name of it was When you read or watched it What it was about And explain how you felt about it. 考官范文: Ok right then, well the film Im gonna tal... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:本国的重要植物

    Describe an important plant in your country. You should say: What the plant is How you know it Why it is important And explain how much you like the plant. 考官范文: Ok then, well after a bit of thought, Ive decided to talk to you abo... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:迟到了的重要场合

    Describe an (important) occasion when you were late. You should say: What occasion you were late for When it happened Why you were late And explain what happened as a result of your lateness (or, explain how you felt when you were late). 考官... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:想重拾友谊的人

    Describe a friend you havent been in contact with for a long time but who you would like to see again. You should say: how long you have not been in contact when you would like to meet him or her what you would like to do together and expla... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:想去的未曾去过的国家

    Describe a country you would like to visit for the first time. You should say: what country it is how long you would stay there what you would like to do there and explain why you would like to visit this particular country. Ok right then,... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:认识的好父母

    Describe a good parent you know. You should say: Who the parent is How you know the parent What the parent looks like And explain why you think the parent is good. 参考范文: Ok right then, well the parent Id like to talk about is the... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:与他人一起做的事情

    Describe a project or some work that you did with others. You should say: what the project or work was. when you did this who was with you how easy or difficult it was and explain how you felt afterwards 考官范文: Ok right then, well,... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:有特殊意义的歌

    Describe a song that has a special meaning to you. You should say: what song it is when you first heard it what the song is about and explain why this song has a special meaning to you. 考官范文: Ok then, well after thinking about it... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:让你发笑的事

    Describe something that made you laugh. You should say: what it was when it was what happened and explain why you laughed. 考官范文: Ok, well something that really made me laugh recently was a short video I watched on the Internet, wh... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part 2&3范文:小学数学课

    Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school. You should say: When and where you attended the class What the teacher taught What you did And explain what you learned from the class / how you felt about the class. 参考范文:... 详情>>


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