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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:迟到了的重要场合

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:迟到了的重要场合

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an (important) occasion when you were late.

  You should say:

  What occasion you were late for

  When it happened

  Why you were late

  And explain what happened as a result of your lateness

  (or, explain how you felt when you were late).


  Ok then, well the occasion I'd like to talk to you about was actually one of my first lectures I had at university,which I suppose must have been about four or five months ago, at the beginning of the semester.

  And regarding why I was late, well it was mainly due to the fact that I overslept. You know, I didn't hear my alarm go off, so I somehow just slept through it. And the reason for that was probably because I was up quite late the night before. I mean, it was the beginning of the university year, and so I'd been out with my new roommates. You know, we thought it would be good to go out for a few drinks and get to know each other a bit!

  So I ended up going to bed at about two or three in the morning, which explains why I overslept a little. And to make matters worse, I remember waking up with a splitting headache and feeling pretty hungover, which is not the best way to start a new course at university I know, but anyway, that's the way it was.

  And when I finally got to the lecture theatre, it was really quite embarrassing, because the door was right at the front of the room, so everyone saw me walk in late, including the lecturer, who actually stopped talking and turned round to look at me. So it was a horrible feeling, and the first thing I did was apologize to him for being late and disturbing everyone, and then I went to find a seat at the back as soon as possible!

  Thankfully though, the guy who was sitting next to me was nice enough to tell me everything that I'd missed, which I was extremely grateful for. But the only unfortunate consequence was that I hadn't really left a very good first impression on my lecturer, as you can imagine! So I decided to make a big effort, from then on, to always be on time for his lectures, which I'm happy to say I have been up to now!

  So yeah, that's about it. Thanks for listening.


  to make matters worse = 让事情更糟糕的是

  Thankfully though = 不过还好......



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