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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:与他人一起做的事情

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:与他人一起做的事情

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  Describe a project or some work that you did with others.

  You should say:

  what the project or work was.

  when you did this

  who was with you

  how easy or difficult it was

  and explain how you felt afterwards


  Ok right then, well, the project I'm going to describe is actually one that I did quite a while ago. But I've chosen to talk about it as it was the first one I ever did which was in a real working environment, the reason being that it was during an internship I went on at a consulting company.

  Anyway, as for what exactly the project was, well I guess the best way to describe it would be a kind of market research project, which I was put on because a foreign client of ours was interested in investing here in China. So what I basically had to do was to carry out some research on the automotive industry to help the client assess the attractiveness of the market.

  And regarding how we went about collecting the data, well first of all, we tried to see what information was already available. So we spent hours scouring the Internet, and were lucky enough to find a few good reports which touched on a lot of the areas we had to research. Aside from that, we also arranged a few face-to-face interviews with various companies to try and get a better feel for the market, which was definitely the most fun part, as I got to travel all around the country.

  Anyway, we then had to write everything up and submit a report to the client. And I remember the night before the deadline was absolutely crazy, because we were up pretty much the whole night putting the finishing touches on the report.

  And with regard to how difficult I found it, well having had no experience of doing such projects, it was extremely challenging for me, and considering the fact that I was given this work on my first day at the company, it was pretty daunting, as I guess you can imagine. But luckily, I was put in a team with two other consultants who were really experienced, so they helped me a lot and guided me through the project, otherwise I would have had no clue whatsoever.

  Anyway, all in all, it was a great experience and I was able to learn an incredible amount from it.



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