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  • 如何在面试中与面试官产生联系? 日期:2016-11-23 16:03:17 点击:56 好评:8

    Ive interviewed hundreds of candidates at a variety of companies ranging from small startups to well-known companies like Google and across nearly every job function. Even the best candidates stumble; only very few people are natural interv...

  • 英文面试中一定不能撒的谎 日期:2016-11-23 16:02:08 点击:187 好评:8


  • 英文群面时的面试技巧 日期:2016-11-23 16:00:47 点击:89 好评:9

    When youre in the hot seat, theres a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, Do you have any questions for me? 当面试官问完问题后,他可能会转而问你:你有没有什么问题要问我呢?...

  • 如何用英文进行电话面试 日期:2016-11-23 15:59:53 点击:102 好评:8

    Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews...

  • 面试官真正想要的是这些! 日期:2016-11-23 15:58:46 点击:152 好评:8

    许多求职者在面试完会有一种感觉,就是与面试官详谈甚欢,最后却没得到这份工作?为什么?因为你没有给出面试官想要 误区1: When they ask where you want to be in five years, they want you to...

  • 英语电话面试应该这样准备 日期:2016-11-23 15:55:04 点击:168 好评:8

    3月即将进入求职季,跃跃欲试的你准备好了吗? 如果有机会收到外企电话面试的通知,你该如何将自己的优势发挥到极致呢? 外企电话英语面试,时间一般在20-30分钟左右,用以核实...

  • 面试提问环节应该怎么问? 日期:2016-11-23 15:51:36 点击:86 好评:7

    You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When the interviewer asks you, So, do you have any questions for me? The last thing you want to say is No. But that could be the best option if youre at a loss for words, be...

  • 不要让这些小错误害你丢掉面试机会 日期:2016-11-23 15:53:57 点击:180 好评:8

    Top 10 Reasons For Not Getting Selected For an Interview 没有获得面试机会的10个原因 1.Were you qualified for the job? 1.你有足够资格胜任这份工作吗? How closely did your background match the qualifications for the...

  • 面试技巧:巧妙避开薪水问题 日期:2016-11-23 15:49:18 点击:76 好评:8

    First things first: anyone who tells you that you can always dodge the salary history question is probably trying to sell you something. 重要的事情说在前面:任何一个告诉你可以躲开薪水历史问题的人很有可能在给...

  • 职场面试着装有讲究:不能忽略 日期:2016-11-23 15:54:26 点击:124 好评:8

    When wearing accessories to an interview, less is more. Its important not to overdo the accessories - you dont want to make too much of an impression. Its also important to choose accessories that will enhance your interview attire - not ov...
