上周我参加了为期五天的ETS给XDF老师的独家培训,这是ETS首次派人到中国进行的对GRE教师的培训。本次课程共为期五天,由来自ETS官方的GRE研发执行总监(the Executive Director )Doug Baldwin和研发科学家(R&DResearch Scientist) Mo Zhang担任主讲人。
Overview of the GRE General Test
1. 关于加试:
either an unscored section or a research section that does not count toward the test taker’s scores
If the test taker gets an unscored section, they will not know which one it is, so they should try their best on all the sections
If the test taker gets a research section, it will always be last and will be clearly marked
上面是官方描述,research section基本上没见过,要是有的话一定在所有题答完的最后,不用担心。
2. 关于考试难度和自适应性:
The computer selects the second section of a measure based on a test taker’s performance on the first section
Within each section, all questions contribute equally to the test taker’s final score
Both sections are important, since the final score on each measure is based on the total number of correct answers and the level of difficulty of the questions
答:不能。考试的时候很难确定,每个section的难度都是加权平均的,通过考完试的diagnostic service可以看到difficulty level分为1-5。但在考场上判断只能靠语言程度和做题经验,进入hard模式会明显觉得文章逻辑更绕,生词会变多,填空的三空题可能会变多。但其实对于大多数同学,尤其是没有认真备靠的考生,你会觉得啥都是难的,然后觉得自己进入hard无敌了。
Overview of the GRE Verbal Reasoning
1. 语文部分考察的范围:
To accommodate different interests and backgrounds, there is a balance of questions in:
– Natural Sciences (e.g., Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences)
– Social Sciences (e.g., Business, History,Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, and Anthropology)
– Humanities (e.g., Literature, Philosophy, Art,Sculpture, Architecture, Music, Dance, and Theater)
No specific knowledge of any subject is required.
答:需要。ETS承认了GRE考试是US culture-referenced,虽然他们说出题上要保持着客观、公正,但是我们毕竟是要去美国读书,所以应该对美国相关的背景和知识相对熟悉。我也问了老爷爷,你文章中提到了Bob Dylan,Jane Austen,就跟问我们中国人周杰伦和鲁迅是谁一样,那肯定我们会很熟悉啊。他说没办法,我们也会考虑其他国家的人或者著作,但是毕竟考试的主体主要是对美国的大学生,那么希望我们可以尽量去读美国相关的知识。
2. ETS官方的语文备考策略建议:
Test takers should:
Become familiar with formats and directions before hand.
Try to answer every question.
– Read each question thoroughly.
– Make notes.
– Read all answer choices before answering.
– Use knowledge they have to figure out answers to unfamiliar questions.
Be aware of time.
Use the Review screen wisely.
Be aware of their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Set realistic goals.
Allow enough time for improvement to occur.
– Start early and work regularly.
– Take courses that include complex reading material.
答:没有。这个我也问了老爷爷,他说我们背单词是通过大量阅读从中积累的,不会专门去背单词表,所以也没有词库。(我内心一顿mmp…)最后老爷爷说我们默认为task taker应该至少达到美国大学生的词汇量,即最起码SAT的词汇量是要有的。(怪不得SAT好多GRE单词,那么如果你刚刚考完SAT,强烈建议你顺便努力冲个GRE出来,反正GRE5年有效);(没有背完四六级和托福的你别乐了,不在一个词汇量上是没法谈恋爱的)。
答:填空和阅读的文章都是经过高度改编压缩的,所以信息量比较大,文章内容不像托福阅读平铺直叙,所以要去read a lot,这确实是个方法,但是对于大多数同学可能连GRE考生文章都做不到30篇,这个方法就不太现实了,但是还是呈现一下官方推荐的阅读练习资料:
Test takers should look for material that presents an argument supported by reasoning and/or evidence. Such material can be found in a variety of places:
– Specialized academic journals
– Feature articles in newspapers and periodicals such as The New York Times, The Economist, Scientific American or London Review of Books
– Trade books by experts and journalists forgeneral audiences
Overview of the GRE Analytical Writing
1. 什么情况下会被取消成绩(什么叫抄袭)?
ETS reserves the right to cancel test scores of any test taker when an essay response includes any of the following:
text that is unusually similar to that found in one or more other GRE essay responses; quoting or paraphrasing, without attribution, language that appears in any published or unpublished sources, including sources from the Internet and/or sources provided by any third party;
unacknowledged use of work that has been produced through collaboration with others without citation of the contribution of others;
essays submitted as work of the test taker that appear to have been borrowed in whole or in part from elsewhere or prepared by another person.
2. GRE写作如何算分?
Each essay is scored by one human reader usinga six-point holistic scale
– The score is based on the overall quality ofyour essay in response to the assigned task.
The essay score is then scored by the e-rater? automated scoring engine, acomputerized program developed by ETS, that is capable of identifying essayfeatures related to writing proficiency.
– If the human and e-rater? scores closely agree, the average of the two scores isused as the final score
– If they disagree, the response is scored by asecond human reader, and the final score is the average of the two human scores
The final scores on the two essays are thenaveraged and rounded up to the nearest half-point interval
Things you might want to know:
写作顺序issue安排在argument 前面,是避免被argument的其他文章思路所干扰。
When you write, audience is the key. not just catering for the e-rater. 别瞎凑字数,别忘记了还有人来判逻辑和思路。
Don’t used some vocabulary which you are incompetence about. 我知道你辛辛苦苦背了好多GRE单词,除非能保证用的精准地道,否则不要用。
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree, you can be neutral, but is much like don’t agree either. 可以两边倒,但是不太好写。
How much does it cost to write an item: 800—1000 dollars/item。所以他们更新题库慢,并且给的官方备考资料很有限。
做阅读的时候不要先看题(look at each question before reading the passage)或者特别认真的读一遍文章(read the passage thoroughly first)建议:skim the passage first(扫读,知道哪儿该快读,哪儿该慢读,不知道的还不快到碗里来)
you need to read, read a lot with critical thinking… there is no traps, nothing tricky, all straight forward. but there are subtlety-distractors that are appealing if you don’t read the passage carefully.
ETS也许出题很厉害,但是从备考角度不一定有我们专业。就比如说你距离考试还有20天,申请之前打算最后冲一波,我跟你说回去多带着脑子读读论文吧,你肯定想砍死我。所以我们针对提分还是别有一番 “策略” 和 “题目” 的。
1. 语言基础不好,自己备考效率极低,并且考试多次分数没有提升,那么你需要来被跟盯,规划,你需要知道你每天做啥,做多少,背哪些。你需要慢慢打基础,学方法,刷题巩固提高!
2. 语言基础特别好的,一对一上课效率极高,1-2节课get到考试的核心,刷题答疑,一战320+轻松加愉快!
3. 语言基础不好不坏的你。给你正确的备考建议和做题策略,少走弯路,在最短的时候尽快脱离GRE苦海,分手快乐!
时间管理 行为重塑和托福80分说再见
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