在我教研过程中,受之前咨询公司的习惯影响,一直使用Excel来对写作进行定量和定性的分析,最后总结出很多张表来完成一篇文章的结构。 Excel是个好东西,抛开数据处理的功能不谈,至少,它在辅助我们学会逻辑分类的思考方式,实现mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive(MECE)这个在咨询界已经被用烂,但是在其他行业却依然有强势影响力的简单落地。
写作,其实不用想得很复杂,无非就是“写什么”加“怎么写”。关于怎么写,let me paint you a picture, 写作,至少应试性写作,在一定程度上,逻辑框架是定死的。 我们来举一个非常简单的例子:
“SEX, sex, sexual intercourse, penis, penis, vagina.” More than 150 undergraduates are sitting in a lecture hall at China Agricultural University in Beijing, shouting loudly. Many are sexually active, or soon will be. Yet for most it is the first sex education class they have attended.
好激动~ 一看到这个开头我就控制不住想看下去了!
Their instructor hopes that shouting such words will help youngsters talk more openly about sex. Lu Zhongbao, a 24-year-old forestry student, says he was told as a child that he“emerged from a rock”. When he started having sex with his university girlfriend he had little idea about contraception. This evening he arrived an hour early armed with another question: will masturbating damage his health?
emerge from a rock:
这应该描述的是大圣吧,当然我也听说过 being adopted from the landfill; emerge from A = come from / be from A
除了condom,还有很多其他的 approaches to practice contraception
The Party has stuck its nose into people's bedrooms for 30 years through its harsh family-planning policies. Yet taboos on sex before marriage prevailed, the result of paternalistic—not religious—values about female chastity, with a dose of Communist asceticism thrown in. Pre-marital sex fell foul of a range of laws, including the catch-all charge of “hooliganism”, only scrapped in 1997.
has stuck its nose into ...:
开始对啥指手画脚了 **to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you**
Pre-marital sex fell foul of a range of laws:
A falls foul of a range of laws:这意思就是“哥们你违法了你知道么?”,这个句型不错,可以学会背下来吧。
这个词呢,根据大家做阅读的习惯,肯定很想知道是个啥主义,那就是“苦行主义”,然后发现并没有什么太大帮助,其实在做阅读的时候,你想想,sex 肯定是一个fun的东西,那么跟sex这个fun逻辑对立的,应该就是notfun吧。这么一推理,感觉chastity加上female,也知道什么意思了呢!
The social climate remains chilly. Most news items about sex involve scandals or crimes. Schools ban pupils from dating and many deploy “morality patrols” to root out flirting or frolicking couples. Sex outside wedlock is not illegal but children born to unmarried mothers face obstacles obtaining a hukou, or household residency, that entitlesthem to subsidised education and welfare. Yet with greater freedom from their parents, more money and increasing exposure to permissive influences from abroad, China's youth are clearly separating sex from procreation.
The social climate remains chilly:
在本文中的意思更倾向是“大家都一如既往的事不关己高高挂起”一种social coldness。
to enter into wedlock / to get out of wedlock:
There is almost no discussion in Chinese schools about love, communication or trust, how to say no or to deal with harassment or abuse. Homosexuality is not discussed, and Chinese parents rarely talk with their children about sex. Peng Xiaohui of Central China Normal University, who runs sex-education classes (including the one at China Agricultural University), had excrement thrown at him last year because of the work he does. Several Chinese and foreign NGOs have tried tofill the gap, but many are now wary after the month-long detention this year of five feminists who had launched a campaign against sexual harassment. Most Chinese youths find out about sex from the internet and online pornography.
there is no discussion in ... about ...
fill the gap:
时间管理 行为重塑和托福80分说再见
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