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  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(2)

    猜测词义 1.词汇线索:前缀、后缀、词干 e.g. Most flags have a compact, rectangular shape and instinct visual symbolism. Their strong colors and geometric patterns are usually instantly recognizable even if miniaturized to le... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(3)

    5)罗列(,) e.g. If someone is said to have a chip on his shoulder, he is angry, pugnacious, sullen, and looking for trouble. The word pugnacious in the passage is closest in meaning to _____. A. friendly B. aggressive C. sociable D.... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(4)

    9)指代关系 e.g. Many weeds are also hosts for disease-causing organisms. At least 50 different weed species fight off competitors by emitting toxins from their roots, leaves, or seeds. These poisons do their work in a variety of ways, s... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(5)

    语境线索 1)狭义语境线索 在一个句子范围内,该词语前后的语言单位(该词语所属的语法结构). 1. The house was surprisingly sound, though it was more than two hundred years old. 2. These people are mentall... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(6)

    文体分析 文章多取材于西方主流报纸以及刊物。 A: 《国家地理杂志》,《经济周刊》等 G: 广告,说明书、小册子等 题材广泛: 1. 科技:天文、地质、化学、数学、物理、生物、医... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(7)

    阅读中应解决的问题 1.Vocabulary (词汇)一个一般性词的意义 2.Terms(术语)特定词或词组的意义 3.Theme (主题)文章的主旨大意 4.Reference (指代)一个代词所指代的原文中的词 5. Det... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(8)

    阅读里的选择题 目的:考查对原文重要信息的获取能力. 特点:难度不大,最常见的题型。有单选题和多选题两类。出现频率非常高. 1.考察内容多为细节 除了通常位于文章末尾的Glob... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(9)

    解题策略: v 第1步:略读全文,把握大意结构 v 第2步:浏览题干,确定定位词或题眼 v 第3步:分析选项,找出核心词 v 第4步:寻读文章,原文定位 v 第5步:仔细阅读,比较选项 v 第... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读复习指南盘点(10)

    阅读中的判断题(胜经 P50-51 练习1) 特点: 雅思阅读的特色。只能以原文为依据进行判断.有3种答案:true, false, not given。后两种情况容易混淆。 解题策略: v 第1步:略读全文,把... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读考前冲刺题盘点(1)

    How to increase sales Published online: Nov 9th 2006 From The Economist print edition How shops can exploit peoples herd mentality to increase sales 1.A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it... 详情>>


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