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  v 第1步:略读全文,把握大意结构

  v 第2步:浏览题干,确定定位词或题眼

  v 第3步:分析选项,找出核心词

  v 第4步:寻读文章,原文定位

  v 第5步:仔细阅读,比较选项

  v 第6步:排除干扰,正确推断


  Even though earthquake prone countries spend enormous human and financial resources on seismographic measurement, as a means of predicting earthquakes, there is a danger in paying too much heed to seemingly high risk zones and erecting less stable buildings solely because of their being in a low risk zone. Prior to the earthquake, Kobe was not regarded as at serious risk, but after the disaster, investigation of the damage revealed that nearly all deaths occurred in small buildings that shattered rather than twisted when stressed. Coupled with the problem of soft soils, the buildings had little firm support and many crumbled. If countries wish to withstand the devastating forces of substantial earthquakes and reduce death, injury and property damage, it is important to design and construct buildings that are earthquake resistant, as well as monitor seismic forces.

  1. It is now believed that _____.

  A. low-risk zones are relatively safe

  B. high-risk zones are more dangerous than low-risk zones

  C. low-risk zones may in fact be very dangerous due to poorly constructed buildings.

  D. high-risk zones have stable buildings.

  2. soft soils _______.

  A. together with poorly constructed buildings and being in high-risk zones greatly contribute to earthquakes devastation.

  B. cause earthquakes

  C. cause buildings to twist rather than shatter

  D. crumble buildings


  Computerised data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paperless office. But, contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating. In fact, consumption, especially of printing and writing papers, continues to increase. World demand for paper and board is now expected to grow faster than the general economic growth in the next 15 years. Strong demand will be underpinned by the growing industrialisation of south-East Asia, the reemergence of paper packaging, greater use of facsimile machines and photocopiers, and the popularity of direct-mail advertising. It is possible that by 2007, world paper and board demand will reach 455 million tones, compare with 241 million tones in 1991.



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