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  • 剑桥雅思阅读同义词转换集锦——剑九test2

    剑九test2 1Initiative/initiate/ launch/ pioneer/introduce/ develop 2. National policy/NewZealand strategy 3. Global/international 4. Team effort/ institutional working party 5. Hypothesis/guess/ speculation/ possibility/theory/potential 6... 详情>>


  • 剑桥雅思阅读同义词转换集锦——剑九test3

    剑九test3 1. Competitive/competitors/competition 2. Achievement/success 3. Because/thus/It is… that强调句型/so 4. Rely on previous events/draw on past experience 5. A result of/ a product of 6. Pitfalls/ traps/snares 7. Exposure to …... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读同义词转换集锦——剑九test4

    剑九test4 1. Back into Britain/ re-import into Britain 2. Reliable/predictable 3. Cut down/reduce 4. Increase income/export earner 5. Power station/power plant 6. In the vicinity of/around/nearby 7. Extraction of seaweed/clean seaweed 8.... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:睡的越香越有钱?

    There are two conflicting stereotypes when it comes to the activity levels of the wealthy. 在富人爱不爱睡觉这个问题上,人们心目中存在着两种相互冲突的答案。 There is the populist version: the fat cat sitting l... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:印象很难被改变

    新的研究发现,印象很难被改变。但好消息是,人们的快速判断往往是准确的。 两项新研究的结果表明,人们对某人先入为主的初步判断很难发生改变。 研究中要求测试者们先看一个... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:护肤的误区

    误区一:Expensive Products are Better Because the Ingredients are Better。 贵的产品更好,因为成分更好。 All cosmeticscontain standard cosmetic ingredients. They cant contain anythingelse, as drugs do, or they would be reg... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:久坐会致命

    Heres a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be bad for your health. And it doesnt matter where the sitt... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:单身的5个幸福

    Step 1: Sleep 睡觉 Sleep is a beautiful thing. When youre single, no ones nagging at you to get up or counting the hours that youve spent in bed. You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow. Sleep all day guilt-free! 睡觉是一... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:牛奶和茶为什么不能一起喝

    Bad news for Britons: adding milk to tea ruins the health benefits of the drink, according to a Germany study. Tea has complex compounds called polyphenols which are believed to help the arteries to relax or dilate, thus enabling a smoother... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:人造鸡蛋

    美国公司Hampton Creek近日在得到亚洲首富李嘉诚的赞助后,打算将其人造鸡蛋推向全球。 这种由植物蛋白加工制作而成的人造鸡蛋可以取代蛋糕、蛋黄酱等食品里所需的鸡蛋,且整个生... 详情>>


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